FF7 Rebirth - Biological Intel Head Case Guide

In this FF7 Rebirth guide we will tell you how to deal with Biological Intel Head Case. It is a difficult challenge.

Damian Gacek

Source: Final Fantasy VII Rebirth, Developer: Square Enix

Final Fantasy VII Rebirth offers various challenges. Many of them can be quite problematic, as in the case of Fort Condor. Another difficult adventure is Biological Intel Head Case. To complete it, you have to kill Mindflayer. While it may not sound as a nuisance, it is when we take into consideration that it has to be the first enemy who falls, and this is the tricky part. Your teammates are also not helpful, as they tend to attack its companions – Experimental Varghidpolises. Let’s check out how to beat this challenge.

FF7 Rebirth – How to Prepare for Biological Intel Head Case

Doing Biological Intel Head Case is so annoying, that many players decided to pick Easy difficulty level for this part. If you do so, the fight should not be as problematic. If you prefer to keep the challenge level, you have to remember about various things.

The first important aspect you have to take into consideration is number of your teammates. Many people decide to face this challenge alone, as your friends can attack Experimental Varghidpolises and kill them in the process too early. If you decide to do it with one character, pick Yuffie. Her Shuriken throwing skills are quite useful in this case. This tactic is a little bit lengthy though.

Regardless of your choice on how many party members to take, the crucial thing is to be prepared. Use Marlboro orb to make negative effects to enemies last longer (in this case sleep), and mitigate stuns on yourself. Haste should be also quite useful to have. Don’t forget Elemental + Lightning materia on your armour to stop Mindflayer’s attacks. A good idea is to take a Poison ability, to amplify the damage.

FF7 Rebirth – How to Complete Biological Intel Head Case

Once you fight, put additional enemies to sleep, with Marlboro orb, the effect should be longer. In addition, it will make your companions hesitant to attack them (though it does not always work). At the same time lure Mindflayer away from its friends. It makes the chance of your teammates to stay with you and combat the proper opponent a little bit bigger. Moreover, Experimental Varghidpolis will not take any collateral damage. While doing the above, attack the boss with everything you have, remember though that the opponent does not have an elemental weakness. It means that you have to count on Synergies to kick in to Pressure the boss.

If you fight as a one-man/woman army, you should be prepared to keep your distance. Using Sleep on opponents is still an important part of the fight. What is more, lightning damage resistance should be your priority, as there would be no one to help you.

If you want to learn more about Final Fantasy VII Rebirth, also read our other news and guides; you may be interested in:

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Final Fantasy VII Rebirth

February 29, 2024

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Damian Gacek

Author: Damian Gacek

Graduate of English Philology and English in Public Communication. His portfolio includes a scientific article on video game translation. Working with Gamepressure.com since 2019, writing for various departments. Currently, deals with guides and occasionally supports the newsroom. Interested in electronic entertainment since childhood. Loves RPGs and strategies, often also immersing himself in the depths of indie games. In his free time, works on a book and learns film editing.

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