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News video games 24 June 2021, 15:48

author: Jacob Blazewicz

EVE Online Devs Test Graphic Update

Graphics in EVE Online will get an onverhaul. CCP Games started testing an update that will add flair to the universe of the space MMORPG.

EVE Online still manages to surprise with the sheer scope of battles and other initiatives of players or creators. However, this game is rarely talked about in the context of graphics, otherwise quite decent for an 18-year-old title. It is the visuals that the new update, which hit the test server Singularity yesterday.

An example of graphics in the current version of EVE Online...

CCP Games studio's goal is to breathe life into the "grey" universe of EVE Online. To do this, the team will update the game's shaders and lighting to make the colors "brighter and deeper" than before. On the official website of the game you can find three pairs of screenshots comparing the graphics before and after the changes. However, it is noted that the developers are still polishing the update and look forward to fine-tuning it with the help of the community. If you'd like to check out the new look on the public test server Singularity (also known as Sisi), just select it from the client list. If you have any comments, you can share them in the thread on the official forum of EVE Online.

... and the new visuals after the update.

  1. EVE Online - official website
  2. EVE Online - game guide

Jacob Blazewicz

Jacob Blazewicz

Graduated with a master's degree in Polish Studies from the University of Warsaw with a thesis dedicated to this very subject. Started his adventure with in 2015, writing in the Newsroom and later also in the film and technology sections (also contributed to the Encyclopedia). Interested in video games (and not only video games) for years. He began with platform games and, to this day, remains a big fan of them (including Metroidvania). Also shows interest in card games (including paper), fighting games, soulslikes, and basically everything about games as such. Marvels at pixelated characters from games dating back to the time of the Game Boy (if not older).


EVE Online

EVE Online