Elden Ring: Shadow of the Erdtree Gets Little Easier. New Update Brings Long-Awaited Change After More Than 2 Years

FromSoftware studio continues to update Elden Ring: Shadow of the Erdtree. The latest version introduces big improvements for the ashes, but fans were most excited about another minor change.

Martin Bukowski

Source: FromSoftware

Elden Ring: Shadow of the Erdtree received update number 1.13. In contrast to the previous one, this time many more changes were introduced. Both PvP and PvE have been balanced, and improvements have been made to many elements of equipment, skills, and ashes. These are mainly buffs, so going through the expansion should now be a bit easier.

Elden Ring - changes in patch 1.13

The full list of changes is long and detailed, but the largest part of it is devoted to ashes that can be summoned. From now on, starting from the 8th level of enhancement and the 5th level of blessing of the Revered Spirit Ashes, all of them (except for the so-called mimic tear) will inflict increased damage and be more resilient.

Some of the ashes also need more hits to lose balance (in other words, they have higher "poise") and receive an increased amount of health. It must be admitted that these are quite big buffs, which will certainly make fights with bosses easier.

In addition to ashes, various changes affected 11 weapons, 16 skills, 7 spells, 9 incantations, as well as many ashes of war. Most of these are enhancements, although there are also instances of nerfs. If you are interested in detailed information, you can find it on the publisher's official website.

However, the fans' hearts were won by the change in the "cancel" / "ok" buttons that appear in the pop-up window when we try to summon a dead Torrent. So far, "cancel" was automatically highlighted, which forced the player to perform an additional action. There is probably no need to mention that during intense fighting, this was extremely annoying. From now on, the "ok" option will be selected by default. It's surprising that FromSoftware studio made us wait for this for over 2 years.

The Shadow of the Erdtree DLC for the game Elden Ring was released on June 21 on PC, PS4, PS5, XSX/S, and XOne.

  1. Elden Ring: Shadow of the Erdtree Review - Gem Hidden Under the Veil
  2. Elden Ring – our guide

Elden Ring

February 25, 2022

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Martin Bukowski

Author: Martin Bukowski

Graduate of Electronics and Telecommunications at the Gdańsk University of Technology, who decided to dedicate his life to video games. In his childhood, he would get lost in the Gothic's Valley of Mines and "grind for gold" in League of Legends. Twenty years later, games still entertain him just as much. Today, he considers the Persona series and soulslike titles from From Software as his favorite games. He avoids consoles, and a special place in his heart is reserved for PC. In his spare time, he works as a translator, is creating his first game, or spends time watching movies and series (mainly animated ones).

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