author: Mathias Zulpo
Duke Nukem is back (it seems)
A mysterious countdown has appeared on Duke Nukem’s official website. It marks the series’ 20th birthday and will end on September 3. And with the revival of all Duke Nukem-related social media, it has caused tons of speculation to emerge.
Is there a new Duke Nukem game on the way?! We don’t know. Is an HD remake of Duke Nukem coming? We don’t know either, although it would be nice to hear from them Duke Nukem 3D: Reloaded folks, but anyway... Is it going to be an Xbox One exclusive?! We don’t… Listen, everything we know as of now is that a huge countdown – serving as a reminder of the Duke Nukem franchise’s 20th birthday – has been put on display at, and it let the speculation genie out of the bottle. So, simply put, it got the marketing rolling.
“Legends don’t die, son”, says one of the tweets posted on the official Duke Nukem account. King’s official fanpage has also been brought back to life. And the cherry on top – Duke is now an instalebrity. So yes, with that amount of hullabaloo going on, it is almost certain that something’s cooking. And while we are aware you feverishly want some of that – whatever it is – we strongly advise that you stay calm. Remember what happened the last time you got overly excited, huh? Or must we remind you of this? This is something you (most likely) want to prevent sinking your teeth in, so let’s hope that in seven days the King will serve us something he himself would eat – and not die afterwards.