Cyberpunk Bug Lets Us Fly Over Night City
Cyberpunk 2077 is still missing some ways to explore Night City - one of which is flying. Although, as one player demonstrated, this problem can be solved by hopping on a Trauma Team's vehicle.

If you ever came to play association games, the first thing that would probably come to mind when hearing Cyberpunk 2077 would be 'bugs'. Although patch 1.5 fixed many shortcomings, you can still find gems in the game such as the one that enables you to fly over Night City on the roof of a vehicle.
Ahem... Is that the way to the hospital?
As we know, Cyberpunk features no option to travel by train except for the story missions (although modders have solved this problem), or flying specially designed machines. In the latter case a bug can help, enabling our character can jump on top of Trauma Team's ambulance.
As you can see, the most difficult challenge faced by daredevils who want to roam the skies of Night City, is jumping on the AV itself. Once you manage to get on the roof of the vehicle, you can enjoy a 3-minute flight, which, unfortunately, leads to nowhere.
"Too bad the Trauma Team doesn't have a base to return to. Other games have made me accustomed to developers creating NPCs with schedules, and programming worlds to live and do their own thing."
It's worth mentioning that not only Trauma Team AV can offer us a free trip above Night City. There are a total of four vehicles in the game, which can be used in this way. A guide on how to do it can be found below.
Rooftops to explore
What caught the attention of players are the usually inaccessible roofs. The community suggested to check if it is possible to jump on some of them, and if so - what's there. The author of the post created a video for this purpose, in which he explores one of the more intriguing and usually inaccessible locations.
There were also voices which demanded the introduction of the possibility to explore the skies in other ways than just by using bugs. This issue, as it was in the case of the discussion about about TPP in Cyberpunk, can be explained with the help of the game's story.
Namely, the machines used by Trauma Team, or AV, in the Cyberpunk universe are not the cheapest, and not everyone, including V, could afford them.
Another option is that CD Projekt RED, by making it impossible to travel by flying machines, wants to hide underdeveloped buildings or textures. Either way there's a lot less underdeveloped elements in Cyberpunk now than on release, which is mainly due to the February patch 1.5.