Cyberpunk 2077 Like SWAT - Mod Enables Us to Cooperate With Trauma Team
Creators of Cyberpunk 2077 mods just keep giving and provide another interesting variety of gameplay. This time thanks to a mod we can cooperate with Trauma Team.

Cyberpunk 2077, despite a terrible launch and lots of wasted potential, has a crowd of fans, who try to develop the game on their own and introduce further improvements and diversifications, making the gameplay more attractive. One of our readers, drew attention to a popular mod which he presented on a short video.
Appearance Menu Mod enables to save our character and change their appearance, as well as summon companions who can support us during missions. Thus we gain the ability to ask the Trauma Team for help. Operation of the mod is simple - you can summon any NPC, mark them as a companion and, if he/she is a combat character, have them engage in battle. In addition, thanks to the mod we can save various outfits for our character and then wear them, as well as summon military vehicles and change the appearance of those that belong to us.
In the video below we can see how a player that, thanks to the mod, cooperates with Trauma Team:
Appearance Menu Mod can be downloaded from Nexus Mods. In order to work, we will need the Cyber Engine Tweaks mod, which can be downloaded here. Installation of both elements is not difficult, because the creators have provided instructions on pages where we can find both modifications.
- Cyberpunk 2077 - official website
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