Baldur's Gate 3 - New Extensive Gameplay Shows The Underdark

Baldur's Gate III is slowly coming out of the shadows. The players could watch a new extensive gameplay, lasting one and a half hour, and occasionally influence how the game will proceed. Swen Vincke enabled the players to make some key decisions, which led, among other things, to a short visit to the Underdark.

Christian Pieniazek

  1. The one and a half-hour long gameplay from Baldur's Gate III enables us to take a look at new locations, headed by Underdark;
  2. As the gameplay was streamed live, Swen Vincke, the show's host, enabled the audience to make some key decisions;
  3. The project is still evolving - the devs have introduced some changes in dialogues and the combat system.

Swen Vincke from Larian Studios presented one and a half-hour gameplay from Baldur's Gate III. Unlike the first stream, this time the audience could influence the course of the game. Thanks to this, on the video below we can see, among other things, goblins kissing the feet of one of the main character's companions or take a look at what the Underdark will look like in the game.

Before we invite you to the screening, we remind that the game will (or at least should) be available in Early Access in August, this year. As for the following video, the actual show starts in the 21st minute.

Apart from completely new locations and a character created from scratch (and not chosen from among a few predefined options), two interesting facts were also visible during the presentation. As it turns out, over the past months the project has undergone some changes - not only the turn-based combat system has been slightly modified, but also the dialogues. Moreover, for a large part of the show Vincke placed the camera lower than before, which allowed for a close look at the elements of the game world.

The above video also proves that Baldur's Gate III will provide us with a way out of every situation. If we fail a sneaking test, we can save ourselves with a different skill... provided, of course, that we pass a relevant skill test. If we fail, we will often be able to try again, but with a different ability. So it seems that in many moments combat will be the last resort in the third installment of Baldur's Gate.

As for the aforementioned Underdark - unfortunately, the character of Larian Studios' "head" hasn't been there for too long, because the creatures living in the place literally turned it into dust. Another thing is that Vincke decided to go there by himself - the fate of his hero would probably have been different if he had sent a whole party.

In Baldur's Gate III we won't always have to grab our sword. Though beasts like the one in the picture above are unlikely to be willing to negotiate.
  1. Baldur's Gate III - official website
  2. Baldur's Gate 3 Preview – Just Let Me Gather the Party!

Baldur's Gate 3

August 3, 2023

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Christian Pieniazek

Author: Christian Pieniazek

Started working with in August 2016. Although the Game Encyclopedia has been his pride and joy from the beginning, he also writes for the Newsroom and the Editorial section. Gained professional experience through a now-defunct service, in which he worked for almost three years. Graduated in Cultural Studies at the AGH University of Krakow. Runs his own business, jogs, cycles, loves mountain hiking, is a fan of nu metal, is interested in space, and of course, enjoys playing games. Feels best in action games with an open world and RPGs, although won't turn down good racing or shooting games.

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