ATS Devs Hint at Next US State - Players Already Guessed [Update: Official Announcement]
We know where the eleventh major expansion to ATS will take us. Before that, however, we're in for DLC dedicated to Oklahoma and Kansas.

If the following information was not convincing enough for you, SCS Software has confirmed that the eleventh "major" expansion for ATS will take the players to Nebraska. The landscape of this state will mainly consist of prairies, rolling hills and the Platte River flowing through it. It will not lack historical routes, landmarks - such as the previously presented Chimney Rock - and growing cities that rely on modern energy.
On Steam a card for the DLC has already appeared. Its release date, however, is still unknown. Both on Valve's platform and on the official blog, the developer has published a handful of new screenshots.
Original post [July 25, 2023].
SCS Software is not slowing down. Although we know that the Czech developer is working on two DLCs for American Truck Simulator, Oklahoma and Kansas - the former will come out on August 1, while the latter does not yet have a release date - the team has already teased the next one.
An announcement on the studio's blog today stated that the expansion is in a fairly early stage of development. Based on the attached screenshots, the community was left to guess what state will appear in the game with the new, eleventh, major expansion for ATS.
The community did a short work of the teaser - it took barely a few tens of seconds when the first few Internet users wrote in the comments under the post in question that it was about Nebraska. How did they know? The answer came moments later - fans pointed out that the first three screenshots (below) show a rock formation known as the Chimney Rock, which is located precisely in Nebraska. Its distinctive shape leaves little doubt about it.
It's hard to say when the DLC might see the light of day. Considering the number of expansions SCS Software is currently working on - both those for ATSand ETS2 - it is reasonable to assume that we will be heading to Nebraska in 2024 at the earliest.