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News video games 25 May 2024, 01:52

author: Adrian Werner

No Rest for the Wicked Adds Tons of New Features in Its Biggest Update Yet

RPG No Rest for the Wicked received a major patch. It brought the highly anticipated optimization fixes, as well as gameplay and control improvements.

Source: Moon Studios

The Moon Studios team released the second major update for No Rest for the Wicked, an action RPG available in early access. This is a big update that improves many aspects of the game. Let's list the most important ones.

  1. The update greatly improved the game's optimization.
  2. A new performance mode has been added for people with low-end hardware.
  3. Players can now reset character development and reassign all acquired experience points.
  4. The limitations regarding weapon attributes have been removed, allowing every character to wield any type of weapon. There's also a new mechanic that enables the comparison of items.
  5. The DLSS technology implemented in the game has been updated to version 3.7, and FSR to 2.2.
  6. You can finally change the button assignments on the controllers.
  7. The game now also detects the fourth and fifth buttons on mouse.
  8. The game balance has also been improved, and some enemies have gained new attacks. There are also plenty of extra items available.
  9. Many locations have been improved, including enhancing collision detection and enhancing the appearance of vegetation.
  10. Of course, there are numerous error fixes.

It's worth noting that despite successive performance improvements, the devs haven't yet decided to change the system requirements listed on the game's Steam profile. However, this isn't a surprise, because it was done at the beginning of May after the first major update, which also improved optimization.

No Rest for the Wicked was released on April 18 this year. At the moment, the game is exclusively on PC, but it will also be coming to Xbox Series X, Xbox Series S, and PlayStation 5 in the future.

Many players were disappointed by the game's low level of technical refinement, despite its high anticipation. As a result, just after the premiere in Early Access, only 58% of Steam user reviews praised the latest title of Moon Studios. Subsequent updates improved the reception of the game. At the time of writing this message, 78% of all No Rest for the Wicked reviews on Steam were positive (79% according to SteamDB), and considering only those from the last 30 days, it's 83%.

Curious to see if the patch will result in increased player activity. Yesterday, at the peak of the day, just under two thousand people were playing the title on Steam simultaneously. However, we don't expect a huge jump, as these usually occur only after patches with new content.

  1. No Rest for the Wicked on Steam
  2. No Rest for the Wicked - game guide

Adrian Werner

Adrian Werner

A true veteran of the Gamepressure newsroom, writing continuously since 2009 and still not having enough. He caught the gaming bug thanks to playing on his friend's ZX Spectrum. Then he switched to his own Commodore 64, and after a short adventure with 16-bit consoles, he forever entrusted his heart to PC games. A fan of niche productions, especially adventure games, RPGs and games of the immersive sim genre, as well as a mod enthusiast. Apart from games, he devourers stories in every form - books, series, movies, and comics.
