Race #5: Dover Street | CAREER NFS Carbon Guide
Last update: 11 May 2016
Type: Circuit
Reward: Chrome painting
This is one of my favourite tracks on which me and Kenji's RX-7 totally owned muscle cars, adding them over a dozen of seconds. Apart from most of the tracks, you won't find any shortcuts on Dover and it all depends on racing from start to finish as fast as possible. The most difficult moment is the starting "S" sequence - three combinated corners, and bad entering into one of them automatically throws us at a wall in the second one (#1). Then drive below the cookie and this will be an easy part, but remember to get through those easy corners from outside to inside. Only this method allows us to close our speed counter on this part of the track. The corner in the middle of the track, after the straight is also like a devil in disguise. It's like an "S", which you must cut in the middle of it's first part, so you will go through the second straightly (#2). After we enter the main straight, remember to not use the tunnels. That's all.