Characters in New York City
Name | How to unlock | Location | Abilities | |
Damage Control | Extinguish fire on the S.H.I.E.L.D. Helicarrier Price: 150 000 | Characters Map [1] | Punch, Jump | |
Agent S.H.I.E.L.D. | Shoot every target in the area using Helicarrier cannon (located underneath most rear part of the vehicle) Price: 150 000 | Characters Map [2] | Shot, Jump | |
Maria Hill | To get her, complete three missions: Win the race (Vehicles Map [2]) Defeat all A.I.M. Agents (Vehicles Map [3]) Win second race (Characters Map [3]) Price: 150 000 | Characters Map [3] | Shot, Jump, Invisibility (hide you from cameras) | |
Emma Frost | Warning! This character won't appear on the map until the first quest for Professor Xavier is finished (Vehicles Map [4])! Approach to Professor Xavier and talk to him. Then take control over the distressed student (use hero with telepathic abilities) and take him across the maze. Price: 150 000 | Characters Map [4] | Punch, Jump, Diamond Form (reflect all beams) | |
Professor X | Warning! This character won't be obtainable until finishing the quest referring to Emma Frost (Characters Map [4])! Use hero with telekinetic abilities and arrange nearby bricks to create the X shape. Price: 150 000 | Characters Map [5] | Punch, Jump, Area Attack/ Telekinesis/ Telepathy | |
Colossus | Go to the target location and defeat the enemy: Break silver cover using rocket attack (e.g. Iron Man's) Slice golden shield using fire beam (Human Torch) Throw a rock at the chest of the giant droid (Hulk) Price: 150 000 | Characters Map [6] | Powerful Punch, Jump, Use Unnatural Strength/Lift an Object Can't build anything from bricks | |
Groot | Warning! This character won't appear on the map until two other quest are finished (Vehicles Map [15] and [35]) After meeting with Groot you must kill all nearby moles in designated time Price: 150 000 | Characters Map [7] | Powerful Punch, Jump, Use Unnatural Strength/Lift an Object Can't build anything from bricks | |
Archangel | Destroy all drain-pipes in designated time (the easiest way to do that is using beam attack) Price: 150 000 | Characters Map [8] | Punch/shot, jump/flying, fast shot | |
Hydra Agent | Token with this character is hidden on the roof of the building. To reach it, you must destroy the container and a wall standing behind it. Price: 12 500 | Characters Map [9] | Shot, Jump | |
Havok | Climb on the building and stand on the Captain's America panel, reflecting deadly beam into fan located nearby. Toss a shield at the switch and take precious token. Price: 150 000 | Characters Map [10] | Shot, Jump, Electric Beam | |
Red Hulk | Defeat Red Hulk Price: 150 000 | Characters Map [11] | Powerful Punch, Jump, Use Unnatural Strength/Lift an Object, Change into human Can't build anything from bricks | |
Silver Samurai | Approach the maze with Spider-Man and use spider sense to detect all entrances. Then choose Jean Grey and shift violet brick to the finishing line. Price: 150 000 | Characters Map [12] | Slash a Katana, Jump | |
Bullseye | The goal is simple: you must break all of the walls in designated time. Choose Hulk and use interaction button to chip off the rocks and throw them at the following targets. Price: 150 000 | Characters Map [13] | Shot, Jump, Fast Shot | |
She-Hulk | Destroy all seven walls in designated time. Price: 150 000 | Characters Map [14] | Punch, Jump, Use Unnatural Strength | |
Iron Man (Heroic Era) | After meeting with Heimdall defeat all Frost Giants in the area. Price: 200 000 | Characters Map [15] | Rockets (damage Silver Bricks), Flying, Chest Cannon Intelligent - can use advanced computers | |
Power Man | Defeat 20 opponents in designated time. The easiest way to accomplish that is using one of the big characters (e.g. Hulk). Price: 150 000 | Characters Map [16] | Punch, Jump, Use Unnatural Strength | |
Elektra | Climb on the roof (in meantime destroying ventilation system) and then use the claw switch. Go back to the ground and break the wall standing next to you. Character token is hidden inside. Price: 150 000 | Characters Map [17] | Punch/Shot, Jump | |
Ant-Man | Destroy a car and try to dig out a token from the mound. Price: 150 000 | Characters Map [18] | Punch, Jump, Shrink | |
Sandman Goon | Look beneath the bridge, located at the sea. On the one of pillars you may see damaged wall - break it and get your token. Price: 150 000 | Characters Map [19] | Punch/Shot, Jump | |
Mary Jane Watson | Use spider sense near S.H.I.E.L.D. box located between two buildings. Now open it with your web. Price: 150 000 | Characters Map [20] | Punch, Jump | |
Nova | Travel through all checkpoints in designated time, and you will gain a character token. The easiest way to accomplish that is to use a hero with web ability (e.g. Spider-Man). Price: 150 000 | Characters Map [21] | Punch/Shot, Jump/flight, Fire Beam | |
Kraven the Hunter | Destroy all targets hanging upon a pond. Price: 150 000 | Characters Map [22] | Punch/Rope, Jump, Sixth Sense | |
Leader | Jump between two blue and white walls, climbing on the token location. Price: 150 000 | Characters Map [23] | Shot, Jump | |
Star-Lord | Warning! This character won't appear on the map until the first quest for Rocket Raccoon is accomplished (Vehicles Map [12])! Defeat all Rocket Raccoon's opponents. Price: 150 000 | Characters Map [24] | Shot, Jump/Flying | |
Carnage | Freeze all wet ventilation shafts with Ice Man (they aren't blocked until ice cubes are standing out!). Change your hero into Mr. Fantastic and use his ability to reach a token -enter to the central, unblocked passage. Price: 150 000 | Characters Map [25] | Web-shot, Jump/Web, Spider sense (detect hidden objects) | |
Beetle | Just take a token from the web. Price: 150 000 | Characters Map [26] | Shot (damage Silver Bricks), Flying, Beam Attack (cuts Golden Objects) | |
Pepper Potts | Defeat all Black Panther's opponents. Price: 150 000 | Characters Map [27] | Punch, Jump Intelligent - can use advanced computers | |
Rescue | Warning! This mission won't appear on the map until Pepper Potts is rescued (Characters Map [27])! Firstly: meet with Black Panther and then climb upon the silo, which stands on the right. Move metal bars with Magneto and toss Captain America's shield at the lock. Approach to the bay and throw your shield once more to the second mechanism. When computer appears, use an intelligent character to resolve a simple riddle. Price: 150 000 | Characters Map [28] | Rockets (damage Silver Bricks), Flying, Beam Attack (cuts Golden Objects) Intelligent - can use advanced computers | |
Absorbing Man | Destroy a well standing on the building site. Token is placed upon a fountain that you have just created. Price: 150 000 | Characters Map [29] | Punch, Jump | |
Viper | Find a box hidden in the bushes and use beam attack to break a lock. Price: 150 000 | Characters Map [30] | Shot, Jump | |
Whiplash | Take control over the clerk (use character with telepathic abilities - e.g. Jean Grey) and turn the computer on. You will find it behind the window, on the left. Price: 150 000 | Characters Map [31] | Punch, Jump, Electric Beam | |
Black Bolt | Defeat Gambit in a simple game - choose the barrel with hidden pumplin for three times. Correct combination is: central, left, right. You will need a character with telepathic abilities to participate in this game. Price: 150 000 | Characters Map [32] | Punch/Shot, Jump/Flight, Gust of Wind | |
Ronan the Accuser | Go to underground, using passage hidden in the leafs. Destroy two walls (silver and gold) and then charge all three batteries. Price: 150 000 | Characters Map [33] | Shot, Jump | |
Wizard | Stand on the one of the highest floors and use Magneto to take a metal bar from mechanism standing on the left. Price: 150 000 | Characters Map [34] | Punch/Shot, Jump/Flight, Fast Shot | |
Spider-Man (F.F.) | Warning! This character won't appear on the map until Deadpool mission Stunt Show Surprise is accomplished! Beat Ghost Rider in the race (take a vehicle first). Price: 150 000 | Characters Map [35] | Web-shot, Jump/Web, Spider sense (detect hidden objects) | |
Mr. Fantastic (F.F.) | Warning! This mission won't appear on the map until the first race with Ghost Rider is over (Characters Map [35])! Beat Ghost Rider in second race. Price: 150 000 | Characters Map [36] | Long Range Punch/Extended Arms, Jump/Glide, Make a Way Through Iron Bars/Change Shape Intelligent - can use advanced computers | |
Squirrel Girl | Destroy a car and dig into a mound. Now take a metal bar from the sentry box with Magneto - in this way you will open the box with a token. Price: 150 000 | Characters Map [37] | Punch/Shot, Jump/Glide, Shot/Digging | |
Punisher | Warning! This quest won't appear on the map until two first missions for Punisher are accomplished (Vehicles Map [11] and [18])! Destroy target vehicles. Price: 150 000 | Characters Map [38] | Shot, Jump | |
Gambit | Warning! This mission won't appear on the map until two other quests are finished (Vehicles Map [34] and Characters Map [32])! Go to the designated area and pick up a card hidden in the bushes. Now give it back to the quest giver. Price: 150 000 | Characters Map [39] | Punch/Shot, Jump, Shot | |
Super-Skrull | Melt an ice block located under silo - use a fire beam to do that. Price: 150 000 | Characters Map [40] | Shot, Jump/Flight, Fire Beam | |
Mini Sentinel | Go to the target location and defeat an enemy: Break silver cover using rocket attack (e.g. Iron Man's) Slice golden shield using fire beam (Human Torch) Throw a rock at the chest of the giant droid (Hulk) Price: 150 000 | Characters Map [41] | Punch/Shot, Jump, Deadly Beam | |
Black Cat | Use spider web to target two attachment points and yank them out. Enter the building and use spider sense to detect a computer. Use it to take a token. Price: 150 000 | Characters Map [42] | Punch/Rope, Jump | |
Black Panther | Warning! This mission won't appear on the map until two other quests are finished (Characters Map [27] and [28])! Escort a cat to Black Panther, in meantime defeating all opponents. Price: 150 000 | Characters Map [43] | Punch, Jump, Sixth Sense | |
Iron Fist | Warning! This mission won't appear on the map until the first mission for Blade is accomplished (Vehicles Map [33])! Defeat all opponents. Price: 150 000 | Characters Map [44] | Punch, Jump, Fire Explosion | |
Blade | Warning! This mission won't appear on the map until two other quests are completed (Characters Map [44] and Vehicles Map [33])! Destroy target vehicles. Price: 150 000 | Characters Map [45] | Punch/Sword Throw, Jump | |
Iron Man (Hulkbuster) | Destroy all ventilators in designated time. The easiest way to do that is to use a beam attack. Price: 150 000 | Characters Map [46] | Shot, Jump/Slow Fall, Use Unnatural Strength/Lift an Object Can't build anything from bricks | |
Gamora | Go to target location and climb upon the building. Now solve the riddle using computer - it's easy memo game. Use a switch hidden on the balustrade located next to you and pick up the saxophone. Give it to the quest giver and receive a character token. Price: 150 000 | Characters Map [47] | Punch/Sword Throw, Jump | |
Gwen Stacy | Warning! This mission won't appear on the map until quest [33] from Vehicles Map is accomplished. Defeat all opponents. Price: 150 000 | Characters Map [48] | Punch, Jump | |
Drax | Warning! This mission won't appear on the map until previous quest ([48] from Vehicle Map) is accomplished. Go to the circus and steal a lion. Ride him to the skyscraper and climb upon the building (platforms are located nearby). Price: 150 000 | Characters Map [49] | Punch/Throw, Jump | |
Wasp | Use Ant-Man shrink ability to pass through the maze. Price: 150 000 | Characters Map [50] | Punch/Shot, Jump/Flight + Shrink, Shot | |
Superior Spider-Man | Jump from the Empire State Building following studs - token is at the end of the route. Price: 150 000 | Characters Map [51] | Web-shot, Jump/Web, Spider sense (detect hidden objects) | |
Iron Patriot | Go to the top of Empire State Building and turn three computers on: first with Wolverine's claws and two others with Spider-Man's web (use sixth sense to detect hidden objects). Price: 150 000 | Characters Map [52] | Shot (damage silver bricks), Flight, Shot a Cannon | |
Psylocke | Warning! This character won't appear on the map until the first quest for Captain Britain is accomplished (Vehicles Map [34])! Win the race. Price: 150 000 | Characters Map [53] | Punch, Jump, Telekinesis/ Telepathy | |
Rocket Raccoon | Warning! This mission won't appear on the map until two other quests are completed (Characters Map [24] and Vehicles Map [12])! Go to target location with Spider-Man and hold on change character button to turn into Peter Parker. Take a photo of a giraffe and return to the quest giver. Price: 150 000 | Characters Map [54] | Shot, Jump | |
Captain Britain | Warning! This mission won't appear on the map until two other quests are completed (Characters Map [53] and Vehicles Map [34])! Defeat all enemies. Price: 150 000 | Characters Map [55] | Shot, Jump/Flight, Sixth Sense | |
Spider-Woman | Destroy the web hanging at the bottom of the building and turn computer on. Now take a token from the crate. Price: 150 000 | Characters Map [56] | Rockets (damage silver bricks), Jump/Flight, Sixth Sense (detect hidden objects) | |
Taskmaster | Go to the platform hidden in the clouds and destroy silver padlock blocking a box with token inside. Price: 150 000 | Characters Map [57] | Punch/Shoot with a Bow, Jump, Hide Behind the Shield (allow to temporally extinguish fire and reflect beam attacks) | |
Toad | Warning! This mission won't appear on the map until two other quests are completed (Events Map [13] and Vehicles Map [37])! Jump through water lily leafs, trying to fit into designated time. The easiest way to do that is to use a Spider-Man's web abilities. Price: 150 000 | Characters Map [58] | Punch, Jump, Sixth Sense | |
Cyclops (Astonishing) | Warning! This mission won't appear on the map until quest [16] from Events Map is accomplished. Talk to the man standing on the street and steal a taxi cab. Now give quest giver a lift to the target location and receive a token as a reward. Price: 150 000 | Characters Map [59] | Shot, Jump, Beam Attack (cuts Golden Objects) | |
Electro (Ultimate) | Warning! This mission won't appear on the map until three other quests are completed (Characters Map [58], Vehicles Map [37] and Events Map [13])! Steal a taxi cab and drive a woman to the target location. Price: 150 000 | Characters Map [60] | Shot, Jump/Flying, Electric Beam | |
Heimdall | Warning! This mission won't appear on the map until three other quests are completed (Characters Map [15], Vehicles Map [25] and Events Map [21])! First of all: find a man with a fashionable hat (minimap will show you a proper direction). He is hiding at the side of the building, in a narrow passage. Bring him back to Heimdall and receive a token as a reward. Price: 150 000 | Characters Map [61] | Sword Slash, Jump | |
Kurse | Warning! This mission won't appear on the map until all workers from the power station (Events Map [41]) are rescued! Go to the target location and win a duel with a Kurse. Price: 150 000 | Characters Map [62] | Powerful Punch, Jump, Use Unnatural Strength/Lift an Object Can't build anything from bricks | |
Silver Surfer | Warning! This mission won't appear on the map until three other quests are completed (Events Map [3], [45] and [49])! Go to the target location and defeat a thug wielding a cosmic brick. Now return to Silver Surfer with the brick. Price: 1 000 000 | Characters Map [63] | Punch/Shot, Jump/Flight, Fast Shot |
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