List of achievements and advices | Achievements Layers of Fear Guide
Last update: 11 May 2016
It's covered up for a reason Get working on your Magnum Opus |
The achievement is received after removing the cover from the first canvas in the prologue.
The artist's impression Collect a rat sketch |
The achievement is unlocked after collecting the first rat drawing.
It rings a bell Discover an echo from the past |
The achievement is unlocked after collecting the first whispered word.
Whispers long forgotten Recall every word you said |
The achievement is unlocked after collecting all whispered words.
Scraps of love Find a memento of your family |
The achievement is unlocked after collecting the first family memento.
I know what I want Made up your mind |
Complete the game with an auto-portrait.
Instinct of self-preservation Heeded the warning |
When you hear a voice of crying woman behind you and the sign in front of you tells not to look around, simply go ahead through the door.
Artist's struggle Embrace death for the first time |
Simply die by the hands of a ghost - there are many opportunities in the game for that.
Inspired OCD Search 100 drawers and cabinets |
Wanderer Take a thousand steps |
You might have a problem Gather all drawings of rodents |
Immortalized in my heart Gather all family mementos |
Finishing touch Complete a painting |
Complete the game with a painting of your wife.
Art Connoisseur Gaze at paintings for a total of an hour |
This achievement is unlocked after you look at paintings hanging in the game for more than a hour.
It was worth a try Dialed 911 |
In the sequence with the phones dial 911 instead of the number shown by the game.
Sketchbook of the damned Uncover the developers' faces |
Simply open the developers chapter in the main menu.
Those eyes can pierce a man's soul Marveled at the Furboy's portrait for a total of 5 minutes |
In the prologue and in the last chapter you can look at a large painting of a child with a note - look at it for five minutes.
Omniscient Witnessed all outcomes |
Complete the game with all three endings.