Research Facility - interior part and the research object walkthrough
You will be running through a few empty rooms. On the way you will pull a lever in order to open the door. Pass by some laboratories and scientists that won't be harassing you. You will reach a big glass with a large group of people. However, you won't see anything and nothing will happen. Hold the table and go back until you see a ladder on which you can jump. Walk on the panel and jump on the cable with the bulb. Climb halfway up, swing on the rope and jump to the red pipe. Now you will reach a ventilation shaft. You will reach the top of the tank. The people will still ignore you. Pick up the hatch and continue the trip. You will reach the edge. Jump on the ladder from there. If you go up, you will reach the final secret. A big capsule will be open there - assuming that you have found and deactivated the previous 13 balls. There is also a notice board with glowing lights that symbolize all collected secrets. You must enter that big ball and "blindly" use the hold and direction button. Everything except for the second light on the board will be turned off. It is the location of the second secret and of the secret ending.
Walk down the ladder and open the hatch. Jump on the cabin and take control. First move down, then to the left, until you reach the ladder. Climb on the cabin and jump. Now go down through the large pipe. You will reach the bottom part of the tank. First turn the power off on the platform. Then jump to the water and pull both blockades out, from the left and from the right. Now turn the power back on and quickly dive down. There is a large handle in the middle. Hang on it and wait for the current to start pulling you up while the hatch above you opens. Once it is fully opened, release the handle. You will fly inside.

Now disconnect all four suckers connected to the large human mass. Then enter it. You will be swallowed, but you will take control of the mass that consists of human bodies. You can be underwater for as long as you want, you can ram, pick up heavy items and be very elastic thanks to your form. You can reach inaccessible places.
As the mass, pull out the device connected to the glass on the left side. When it breaks you will be able to move further. Continue the crazy run until you reach the place where the worker will close the door before you. Since you have the strength of a whole group of people, you can pull the door to you. Run further until you get outside the facility, to the group which you left earlier. You will get to the left side where there will be a hole above. Your old crew will help you climb higher. Enter the elevator which will collapse. Fall to the bottom, to the miniature model. Go to the right and pull out the large chest from the wall. Hold it and move to the right side through something similar to a canteen. The mass can move objects easier. If you hold the interaction button and directional buttons, you can move various objects to various sides. Position the large chest under the wall and then climb on it and move further. Jump to the main part of the canteen and run to the right.
You will break through the wall and into the office where the scared worker will stand in your way. You have no other choice than to run through the window while ramming that man. After a long drop and the fall, walk to the left. A large beam will be in the water. Catch it and go to the door on the right side. In order to open it you must pick up the beam to vertical position and hit the red button in front of you. The key to success is to correctly stand when raising it. Don't stand precisely under the button but slightly to the side. When the beam is above you, try not to walk to the sides.

The door will open and dogs will run out. Now they aren't a threat to you. Take the beam with you and walk to the lifter. Catch the beam in such way so that you will hold it horizontally on your right side. Release it so that it falls on the pressure plate. At the same time you must enter the lifter. This will take you higher. Jump down. A worker will appear and wave his hands so that you move away. After a moment he will enter a code and open the door for you. Now you can get through it. Another man will open the hatch, jump into it while holding the down direction button. Take the chest that is nearby and run to the right.
In order to open the door you must hold the chest above you and throw it down at the secured reflector. First the cover will drop. After the second throw you will break the light and open the door. Take the chest again and go further. You will walk through river with pipes above it - the pipes are deactivated sprinklers. At the end you will find something like blast furnace. Open the hatch and set the chest on fire. When you will return, the sprinklers will activate. You must throw the chest above them, run and catch it in the air. Go back to the place where you fallen. Now throw the chest into the blue hole. Something inside will be set on fire and the large hatch on the right side will open.

You will once again reach the large area between the powerful walls. On the left there are carts which you must pull to the right side. Position them under the cabin and climb to it. Hang on it and then start swinging. Once you close enough, one of the men on the balcony will attach the hook, allowing you to pull out part of the wall. Now move the carts further and use the new passage. You will find a chest. Throw it on the platform. One of the men will set it on fire and throw back to you. Catch it and throw up, at the button. Remember that the chest will shoot after 5 seconds, so don't throw it immediately. Instead of that, wait a bit. Once you throw it, quickly run to the door that will open only for a short time.

You will enter a dark room where a large crowd will be looking at you. In the middle there will be bait in the form of a chest. However, the floor will collapse soon. The hatch will close and you will be in dark. After a while you will get use to the dark and start recognizing the surroundings. Swim to the bottom and hang on the left side. Tear pieces of wall one after another until you pull out the bars. Swim up, towards the light. Now the final run! Run to the right until you reach the wooden wall. One floor will collapse here. Move back, gain some speed and ram the wooden wall. Now you will see a cutscene which will probably make you think about some things. Congratulations, you reached the end!

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