DARK OMEN Carla's Place Indigo Prophecy Guide
Last update: 11 May 2016
Carla is taking a shower. The phone will ring. Pick it up. It's Tyler. He will send you a fax. In the bathroom you will find a bonus (+10).
Now you can help Carla to feel better. Go to the bed (+10%). Use the toilet (+5%). In the kitchen you will find some pizza (+5%). Watching TV (+5%).
Suddenly somebody will ring to your door. Get dressed and open the door.
It's your neighbour Tommy (+5%). He brought some wine. Go to the kitchen and take the glasses. Go back to Tommy. You will start drinking (+5%). You can ask Tommy about his life (TOMMY) or his WORK. After that Tommy will ask you the same questions. Talking about your life and work won't help you to feel better (-5%).
Tommy will show some tarot cards. Now you have to choose the cards. Whatever you choose the foretoken will be the same and your mental health will drop (-5%, -5%, -10%, -10%).
After that Tommy will go back to his apartment.
Now you can switch to Tyler. He is tired (-20%).
You can help him to feel better. Drink some water (+5%). Play with a ball (+5%). You can also go out of the office and drink some coffee (+5%).
Go to the Carla's desk and pick the newspaper up. This is it! The bookmark was printed in a bank (+10%). Call Carla and send her a fax (+5%).
Now switch to Carla. Take the fax and go to Tommy. He will tell you that on the paper are watermarks with ID code of the bank. Call to Tyler (+20%).
Now switch to Tyler and seat at your desk. Turn the light on. Take the bookmark and look at it in the light. You will see the code of the bank. You will call Carla. She will say that it's time to go to the bank. Tyler will ask if you want him to go with you. If you say YES, Tyler will talk to Lucas. If choose NO, Carla will do it.