BOGART Underground Secret Base Indigo Prophecy Guide
Last update: 11 May 2016
Carla and you are following a bum in a subway station. On your way you will find a bonus (+20).
You will see Markus (+10%) and then you will be invited to seat by the fire. Do it and you will start a conversation with Bogart. He will tell you everything about the child and the two clans.
After the conversation Lucas will go to relax.
Now you're playing as Carla. You can help her to feel better and warm her up by the fire (+10%). In one of the trains you will find an extra life.
At the end of the tunnel you will find a radio but it's not working. In the third train you will find a torch. Take the batteries from it. Near the first train you will find an antenna. Use these things on the radio and listen to it (-5%).
Now go to the first train where Lucas is resting. Lie down on bed and you will start a conversation and then... you will relax :-) (Carla +20%, Lucas +10%).