Silden | Myrtana
Let Anog know that his brother Inog needs help
It's quest from Inog, living in a hut in Silden.
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Inog is planning a rebellion in Silden and he needs help from the rebels. His brother Anog is the leader of the rebels hiding in the woods near Silden. You have to find him and give him the message.
- Experience points: 1000
- Reputation: Rebels +1
Let Inog know that his brother Anog can't help him
Anog gives this quest and it's a consequence of the previous task. After delivering the message you have to go back to Inog with an answer.
- Experience points: 1500
- Reputation: Rebels +1
A delivery from Nordmar
Grompel gives this task when you ask him about the deliveries for Silden. You finish this quest when you bring Tragak to Silden (it's described later).
- Experience points: 2000
- Reputation: Orcs +1
- Reputation: Silden +2
- Attributes: Alchemy +1
The wood from the prison camp must be brought to Givess
Gancka the guard gives this quest. You have to take 10 packages of firewood to Givess. Look for the packages all over the sawmill, and Givess can be found in the old mill.
- Experience points: 1000
- Reputation: Silden +4
Grompel knows the way to the rebels at the Nordmar pass
When you reach a demanded reputation and you are told to kill Anog, talk to Grompel and ask him to show you the way to the rebels' hideout. Then just follow him but be careful - he can't get killed.
- Experience points: 1000
Follow Lars to the pass to Nordmar
Lars gives this quest when you set him free. You have to escort him to the pass to Nordmar. He can't be killed.
- Experience points: 1500
- Reputation: Nordmar +2
Follow Pavel to his camping cabin
Pavel one of the hunters from Silden gives this quest. You have to escort him to the place.
- Experience points: 500
- Reputation: Silden +2
Inog secretly helps slaves escape
Quest appears during conversation with Inog. If you question him, he admits that he helps the slaves to escape from Silden. You may report this to Zapotek.
- Experience points: 1500
- Reputation: Orcs +1
Inog needs 5 bundles of weapons for the resistance
It's another quest from Inog. Just bring him 5 bundles of weapons (look for it in the Givess' mill and Orcs' quarters).
- Experience points: 1500
- Reputation: Rebels +1
Irmak's halberd is missing
Irmak the guard gives this quest.
![]() | Irmak lost his halberd. He can't do his job without it so you have to find it. You can find it in fisherman's quarter on the wall. |
- Experience points: 1000
- Reputation: Silden +4
Kadok is missing his smith's hammer
Kadok gives this quest.
![]() | Kadok the smith can't do his job because he lost his hammer. It's up to you to find it. You can find it in the arena in Silden (it's in one o two chambers under the arena). |
- Experience points: 1000
- Reputation: Silden +2
Gembal the cook needs heaps of raw meat to feed the Orcs
This quest is from Gembal, who lives in a hut in Silden. You have to bring him 50 pieces of raw meat. If you don't have it in you inventory go hunting. There are a lot of animals near Silden.
- Experience points: 15000
- Reputation: Silden +4
The quest for the perfect ship
Hatlod gives this quest. He dreams of building a great boat. You can complete this quest bringing Hatlod the Ship blueprint (you can find it in Lago, doing a quest for Sibur).
- Experience points: 2500
The Orcs need a smith for Silden
Denpok gives this quest. To finish it you have to talk to Kadok. When you find Kadok's hammer, the smith agrees to work for Denpok.
- Experience points: 1500
- Reputation: Silden +6
A package of wild berries for Stan the fisherman
Bozep gives this quest. He is a lumberjack working near Silden.
![]() | Bozep gives you a package of wild berries to bring it to the fisherman Stan. You find him in Silden. |
- Experience points: 500
- Reputation: Silden +2
Roasted meat for Frillock
Frillock the guard gives this quest.
![]() | Frillock does his job for a few days and he is hungry. Bring him five pieces of roasted meat. |
- Experience points: 750
- Reputation: Silden +2
Defeat Jarock in the arena
It's a duel in the arena. Barrack is the chief of arena in Silden. Jarock is your first rival.
- Experience points: 1000
- Reputation: Silden +6
- Attributes: Strength +1
Defeat Jaroll in the arena
It's another duels in the arena. Jaroll is your next rival.
- Experience points: 1000
- Reputation: Silden +6
- Attributes: Strength +1
Defeat Trompok in the arena
It's the last duel in the arena. Your last rival is the champion Trompok.
- Experience points: 1500
- Reputation: Silden +6
- Attributes: Strength +1
Defeat Will
This quest appears during a conversation with Will, one of the lumberjacks. Before you do that quest talk to Quadir (it's described earlier). Will is the best target for the Hashishin.
- Experience points: 1000
- Attributes: Strength +1
Brontobb will stand guard in the city. Denpock needs to be told
It's a part of the quest connected with looking for the people for Denpok. When you convince Brontobb to work for Denpok, report to Denpok.
- Experience points: 1500
- Reputation: Silden +6
Denpok needs to know that Frillock is guarding the town now
This quest is similar to the previous one but it considers Frillock.
- Experience points: 1500
- Reputation: Silden +6
Gancka is staying in the town now. Denpok needs to be told
This quest is similar to the previous one but it considers Gancka.
- Experience points: 1500
- Reputation: Silden +6
Denpok should be told that Irmak is guarding the town now
This quest is similar to the previous one but it considers Irmak.
- Experience points: 1500
- Reputation: Silden +6
Liberate Silden from the Orcs
You have to kill the Orcs and liberate Silden. Inog and Anog can help you but it's up to you to do the whole work.
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Use the best tactic: try to lure your enemies outside Silden and run away when necessary. There is a lot of space outside Silden so you can run and use a bow to kill you enemies. Try to run and dodge to divide the Orcs in smaller groups. Be aware of the shaman, he is very dangerous (specially when assisted by a few warriors).
- Experience points: 7500
- Reputation: Rebels +5
Bring Lukjan the hunter the money for the pelts
Givess gives this quest when you bring him pelts from Lukjan (it's described later). You have to go back to Lukjan to give him some money.
- Experience points: 2000
- Reputation: Silden +4
- Attributes: Hunting skills +1
Quadir's hunt for a new slave for Silden
Quadir the Hashishin hunting for slaves in Silden gives this quest.
![]() | You may catch a slave for Quadir. The Hashishin advises you to check the lumberjacks' camp. Will is the one you are looking for. |
- Experience points: 1500
- Reputation: Hashishin +1
- Reputation: Silden +4
Tragak wants to see the town's shaman Grompel in Silden
You receive this quest from Tragak. You can find him in the forest far from Silden.
![]() | Your job is to escort Tragak to Silden. A few warriors assist Tragak but it's a good idea to clear the way before escorting the Orc. You may come across very strong monsters so be careful. Bring Tragak to Grompel's hut. |
- Experience points: 1500
- Reputation: Silden +4
Talk to the warlord Umbrak about supplies
Inog gives this quest. You have to meet the leader of the Orcs Umbrak and learn the reason that Umbrak is still a chief despite troubles with supplies. Just talk to Umbrak and you finish this quest even if you don't mention supplies (Umbrak is a chief because others are afraid of him).
- Experience points: 1000
- Reputation: Rebels +1
Rescue a Silden slave from the wilderness
Freman, one of the rebels hiding in the woods near Silden gives this quest.
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Freman takes care of the slaves that escaped from Silden. He tells you about a few slaves hiding in the woods on the other side of Silden. You have to find them and bring them to Freman. Look for the slaves in the woods on the other side of Silden (they are sitting near three campfires). Talk to the slave and offer him an escort to the rebels' camp. The slave cannot die during the trip (and you may face a few beasts).
- Experience points: 500
- Reputation: Rebels +1
Rescue a Silden slave from the wilderness
It's the same quest as the previous one (it considers the second slave).
- Experience points: 500
- Reputation: Rebels +1
Rescue a Silden slave from the wilderness
It's the same quest as the previous one (it considers the third slave).
- Experience points: 500
- Reputation: Rebels +1
Rescue a Silden slave from the wilderness
It's the same quest as the previous one (it considers the fourth slave).
- Experience points: 500
- Reputation: Rebels +1
Rescue a Silden slave from the wilderness
It's the same quest as the previous one (it considers the fifth slave).
- Experience points: 500
- Reputation: Rebels +1
Free the Nordmarian Lars from the prison camp
You receive this quest from Lars, imprisoned in one of the slaves' hut.
![]() | Lars is imprisoned because he robbed one of the Orcs. To set him free you must buy the Nordmarian from Zapoteck (it costs 300 golden coins). |
- Experience points: 1000
- Reputation: Nordmar +3
The warlord Umbrak wants Anog the rebel leader dead
Umbrak the leader of the Orcs gives this quest. You have to fin the rebels' camp near Silden and kill their chief Anog (Inog's brother). Of course you have to face all of the rebels
- Experience points: 5000
- Reputation: Orcs +7
Kill the slaves who escaped Silden
Zapotek the supervisor of the slaves in Silden gives this quest. It's about the same slaves that Freman mentioned. Zapotek orders you to kill them all.
- Experience points: 1500
- Reputation: Orcs +1
Kill the town shaman Grompel
It's another quest from Zapotek. The Orc orders you to kill his rival Grompel the shaman. You have to be smart if you don't want to fight with all the Orcs in Silden. You have to kill Grompel before you finis the quest connected with finding new guardians. When you find them it's almost impossible to kill the shaman not being noticed.
- Experience points: 2500
- Reputation: Hashishin +1
Kill the undercover rebel
It's another quest from Umbrak. Inog is the undercover rebel you have to kill.
- Experience points: 2500
- Reputation: Orcs +3
Kill the strange lurkers by the river
Brontobb the guardian gives this quest.
![]() | You have to go to the river and kill strange lurkers (there are eight of them). Doing this you persuade Brontobb to work for Denpok. |
- Experience points: 1000
- Reputation: Silden +6
Kill wolves around Silden
It's quest from Bram, the hunter living in a hut near Silden. Your job is to kill a group of wolves wandering nearby.
- Experience points: 1000
- Reputation: Silden +2
- Attributes: Hunting skills +1
Kill snappers around Silden
Falk the hunter gives this quest.
![]() | This time your job is to kill a group of snappers. |
- Experience points 1500
- Attributes: Hunting skills +1
Take the Orcs' shipment from Nordmar to Anog the rebel
Anog the leader of the rebels gives this quest. You have to get the supply from Tragak (the one who wants to visit Grompel). Kill Tragak instead escorting him to Silden, and the take the shipment with you. Go to Anog and give him supplies.
- Experience points: 1500
- Reputation: Rebels +1
Take the fish barrels to the mill
Temmy the fisherman gives this quest. You have to take eight barrels of fish (look for them near the fishermen's' quarters) and bring it to Givess.
- Experience points: 1000
- Reputation: Silden +4
Hunt the silver wolves with Bram
It's a part of the quest connected with wolf hunting (it's described earlier). Just take Bram with you.
- Experience points: 1000
- Attributes: Hunting skills +1
Go snapper hunting with Falk
It's a part of quest connected with snapper hunting (it's described earlier). Just take Falk with you.
- Experience points: 1000
- Attributes: Hunting skills +1
Improve your reputation in Silden
Denpok gives this quest. To complete it you have to finish a lot of other tasks given by Denpok (described as other quests).
- Experience points: 2000
- Reputation: Orcs +1
Hatlod's lost tools.
Hatlod the fisherman and boat constructor gives this quest.
![]() | Hatlod lost his tools (a hammer and a saw) when some beasts attacked him. To find this tolls you have to go along the river and look for a strange lizard and lurker (these beasts suffer from indigestion or something like that). Kill the beasts and take the tool you can find on beasts' bodies. |
- Experience points: 1000
- Reputation: Silden +2
Supply the convict Jerek with weapons
Jerek gives this quest.
![]() | Jerek wants to start a rebellion in Silden. He needs five bundles of weapon - bring it to him. |
- Experience points: 1000
- Reputation: Rebels +1
Supply the convict Jerek with roasted meet
It's another quest from Jerek. He is hungry and he needs 25 pieces of roasted meet for him and hi companions. Bring it to him.
- Experience points: 1500
- Reputation: Rebels +1
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