Stars and declassified missions | Stars and declassified missions GoW: Judgment Guide
Last update: 11 May 2016
Most often at the beginning of each stage of the level you can see a declassified mission symbol. Activating it results in speeding up earning stars bar and adding new challenges during completing the task. It could be for example using only given type of weapon, limited ammo, more enemies, etc. Not accepting the mission significantly reduces your chances to earn maximum number of stars (in some cases you can't earn them at all). On higher difficulty levels most difficult missions are those with time limit. Not reaching the designated point before time end results in your death.
After completing each stage you'll see a table with your statistics. You can also learn from it what speeds up earning the stars. These are headshots, gibbing enemies, performing executions, ribbons, achievements and enemies killed. If you get kicked down before earning 3 stars, the stars bar is decreasing. Longer you stay kicked down, more bar "disappears".