World of Tanks Video Game Series
A series of multiplayer-oriented free-to-play action games focusing on tank clashes. Responsible for the development process is the Belarus-based studio, specializing in the production of strategy games and having to its credit such titles as Massive Assault or Order of War.
The first part of the series was released in 2010 in Russia, while it hit the Western market a year later. Initially, the production was available only on personal computers, but in time there were conversions designed for Xbox 360 consoles and eighth-generation hardware (Xbox One and PlayStation 4). The title was a great success and was twice entered in the Guinness Book of World Records in the category of the highest number of players logged in simultaneously on a single MMO game server. The first time happened in 2011, when more than 90,000 people participated in the game, the second two years later - this time the title attracted more than 190,000 users. The success of the production encouraged developers to create twin items - World of Warplanes (in 2013) and World of Warships (in 2015) - which offered clashes between aircraft and warships.
The series has lived to see two side-views. In 2014, a game was released for mobile devices World of Tanks Blitz. It was an attempt to transfer proven mechanics to touch-controlled hardware. However, the production was characterized by a smaller scale of battles, slightly poorer graphics and a modified interface due to technical limitations. Initially, the title was available only on smartphones, but in time an edition supporting tablets and personal computers was also prepared. In turn, in 2015 the game was released World of Tanks Generals, which is a browser-based installment of the series. This time, however, it was decided to make much bigger changes compared to the original, making the production an original combination of strategy and card game. Players played duels using decks, which included grids symbolizing individual military formations. In addition to the title tanks, other types of units were put at users' disposal, including infantry and aviation.
The basis of the series are skirmishes between two teams of fifteen players. The objectives of individual clashes depend on the selected game mode and may consist in eliminating opponents, capturing or defending a base, or controlling a strategic point located in the center of the map.
Each player directs a selected tank, and the entire clash is presented from a third-person perspective, with the possibility of freely rotating the camera. The series offers dozens of types of machines divided into five classes - light, medium and heavy tanks, tank destroyers and self-propelled guns. The vehicles come from different periods of the 20th century - from World War I to the Cold War - and are based on historical counterparts, but due to the necessity of adapting all units to multiplayer play, individual technical parameters were treated quite a bit. With successive skirmishes, the player gains experience points, with which he can upgrade his machines - the engine, turret, chassis, cannon or radio can be replaced - which significantly affects combat capabilities. Also, the crews of individual vehicles develop as the game progresses, and a better-trained crew can load missiles into the chamber faster or repair damaged components more efficiently.
The series is based on a free-to-play business model with optional micropayments. With real cash we can buy, among other things, additional tanks or temporary bonuses to speed up experience gain.
World of Tanks Series Evolution
World of Tanks Blitz
World of Tanks: Console
World of Tanks

World of Tanks Generals
November 26, 2015
A mobile and browser spin-off of the highly popular MMO game - World of Tanks, the game combining strategy and card game. In this game from studio, players’ main task is to destroy enemy headquarter using their own units, representing one of the four fractions: USA, USRR, France, and Germany. Battles are conducted by playing cards – which symbolize different military formations – from a self made deck, built from a pool of over 200 cards. Each of them has its own strong and weak points, which might be modified during game by developing new technologies and using special cards that can raise their offensive and defensive capabilities. Unlike the original game, World of Tanks Generals lets the players commands not only titular tanks, but also other types of units known from battlefields of World War II.

World of Tanks Blitz
June 26, 2014
An attempt to transfer the extremely popular World of Tanks from PCs and consoles to mobile devices. As in the case of the original, we are dealing with a free-to-play game, and the fun is based on historical tank clashes in different game modes.

World of Tanks: Console
February 12, 2014
A massively popular MMO game, created and administered by Russian developer World of Tanks lets players control tanks and take part in exciting battles against living opponents. The game offers over 150 carefully recreated models of tanks and other armored vehicles (including self-propelled guns and tank destroyers) used in armies of several countries since the 1930’s till the Korean War (1950-1953). The gameplay in World of Tanks combines elements of simulation, action shooter, strategy, and social features that let players join clans and communicate with others. The game is based on a free-to-play distribution model with microtransactions.

World of Tanks
August 12, 2010
A hugely popular MMO game developed and managed by Belarus team of studio. World of Tanks focuses on thrilling battles against live players controlling tanks.
World of Tanks Series News

Tanker in Ukraine Reports His Job Easier Having Played Video Games
One of Ukrainian soldiers who managed to destroy a modern T90M tank confessed in an interview that successfully neutralizing the Russian vehicle was facilitated by his knowledge from video games, which helped him know where to strike.
video games
Marcin Przała
January 22, 2024

Christmas Gifts in WoT; Vinnie Jones as Crewman
We have learned the first details of this year's Christmas Operations in World of Tanks. This time Vinnie Jones will accompany us during the winter battles.
video games
Adrian Werner
November 22, 2023

Christmas Gifts in WoT; Vinnie Jones as Crewman
We have learned the first details of this year's Christmas Operations in World of Tanks. This time Vinnie Jones will accompany us during the winter battles.
video games
Adrian Werner
November 22, 2023

Christmas Gifts in WoT; Vinnie Jones as Crewman
We have learned the first details of this year's Christmas Operations in World of Tanks. This time Vinnie Jones will accompany us during the winter battles.
video games
Adrian Werner
November 22, 2023

2.5 Year Suspended Sentence for WoT Bot Cybertank Creator
The creator of cheats for World of Tanks and World of Warships has been convicted. Andrei Kirsanov received a suspended sentence for causing millions of dollars in damages.
video games
Miriam Moszczynska
July 7, 2022

World of Tanks Devs Leave Russia and Belarus
Wargaming has announced the termination of its operations in Russia and Belarus. Although it was not said explicitly, it is most likely related to the Russian aggression in Ukraine.
video games
Michal Ciezadlik
April 4, 2022

World of Tanks Bot Creator Faces Up to 5 Years in Prison
A Russian man who created bots for World of Tanks may soon find himself in jail. Wargaming claims that the company has lost $9 million as a result of his activities.
video games
Adam Krolak
December 28, 2021

WoT Still Offers Free Premium Tanks for Beta Testers and Veterans
We would like to remind that veterans of World of Tanks can still ger free tanks and other prizes. New players can also count on gifts, but the more years we have spent with the game, the more we will gain.
video games
Aleksandra Dziwinska
December 20, 2020

2021 Will Bring Changes in Crew, Artillery and New Tanks to WoT
Wargaming has shed some light on World of Tanks development plans for 2021. These include new maps and tanks, as well as changes in artillery, HE shells and crews.
video games
Adrian Werner
December 16, 2020