WoT Still Offers Free Premium Tanks for Beta Testers and Veterans
We would like to remind that veterans of World of Tanks can still ger free tanks and other prizes. New players can also count on gifts, but the more years we have spent with the game, the more we will gain.
The creators of World of Tanks have decided to make the year 2020 a little more pleasant for their loyal fans. 3 new tanks are still waiting for you.
As indicated on the official website, the size of the prize is related to the year since out registration as user, not a specific date. The biggest surprise will be expecting the veterans who have set up their account at least 4 years ago. They can pick up three new tanks, which will come with their own space in the garage and 100% trained crews. Super Hellcat, T-50-2 and Super Chaffee are waiting.
Beta testers can expect a little more awards. We will receive veteran stickers and, if we have not already received them, a badge, player name background, emblem and a special medal for years of service.
However, even if we have just started our adventure with WoT, the developers have prepared some bonuses. Of course, if we registered before November 26, 2020.
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