WoT / World of Tanks Latest news

2.5 Year Suspended Sentence for WoT Bot Cybertank Creator
The creator of cheats for World of Tanks and World of Warships has been convicted. Andrei Kirsanov received a suspended sentence for causing millions of dollars in damages.
video games
Miriam Moszczynska
July 7, 2022

World of Tanks Devs Leave Russia and Belarus
Wargaming has announced the termination of its operations in Russia and Belarus. Although it was not said explicitly, it is most likely related to the Russian aggression in Ukraine.
video games
Michal Ciezadlik
April 4, 2022

World of Tanks Bot Creator Faces Up to 5 Years in Prison
A Russian man who created bots for World of Tanks may soon find himself in jail. Wargaming claims that the company has lost $9 million as a result of his activities.
video games
Adam Krolak
December 28, 2021

WoT Still Offers Free Premium Tanks for Beta Testers and Veterans
We would like to remind that veterans of World of Tanks can still ger free tanks and other prizes. New players can also count on gifts, but the more years we have spent with the game, the more we will gain.
video games
Aleksandra Dziwinska
December 20, 2020

2021 Will Bring Changes in Crew, Artillery and New Tanks to WoT
Wargaming has shed some light on World of Tanks development plans for 2021. These include new maps and tanks, as well as changes in artillery, HE shells and crews.
video games
Adrian Werner
December 16, 2020
Ray-tracing Coming to World of Tanks
Ray-tracing is coming to WoT. Wargaming Studio in collaboration with Intel has developed a solution that will enable us to enjoy the technology on every DirectX 11 compatible PC, including PCs with graphics cards that do not support ray-tracing.
video games
Krzysztof Kaluzinski
October 15, 2019
World of Tanks - new patch adds support for multi-core processors
The third public test of patch 1.4 to World of Tanks has just begun. According to developers, the new patch that adds support for processors with more than one core, can increase game performance by up to 45%.
video games
January 26, 2019