2021 Will Bring Changes in Crew, Artillery and New Tanks to WoT
Wargaming has shed some light on World of Tanks development plans for 2021. These include new maps and tanks, as well as changes in artillery, HE shells and crews.

- Changes in artillery and HE shells,
- Crew 2.0,
- Czechoslovak and Italian heavy tanks,
- Two more maps,
- Return of many of your favorite events.
The end of the year was an opportunity for the devs at Wargaming to organize a stream, during which the last twelve months were summed up and, above all, the plans for the development of World of Tanks for next year were revealed. These include two new maps, such as the return of the Port in a heavily reworked form.
The devs are also working on improving the balance of HE shells, so that the damage depends on where the vehicle was hit, which will greatly increase the importance of armor. Changes are also planned for self-propelled guns. There will be new types of artillery shells, and on the minimap we will see markers of places from which this type of shelling is carried out. In the tanks we will also find an additional warning light, informing us when we are a target of artillery.
There are also plans for next year's version 2.0 of the crew, which will include, among other things, 75 levels of perks/skills, which we will be able to additionally strengthen with the help of so-called instructors, enabling us to increase these features above the standard limit. The sixth sense will become the default, additional perk, and each crew will be able to be trained in up to three tanks of the same nation and class. Importantly, the introduction of the 2.0 system will not erase the progress we made so far. It will be converted to new mechanics.
Next year will also bring new heavy tanks from Italia and Czechoslovakia. The former will receive a modified automatic reload function. For the latter, armor is to be the key element. Swiss machines are also planned, but we will probably wait for them until 2022.
The developers did not want to reveal any details about enriching the game with new nations, as such projects are very time-consuming. Therefore, the developers are not prepared to make any declarations regarding the deadlines for their implementation.
In 2021 we can expect the return of the events Steel Hunter, Last Waffenträger, Front Line and Halloween mode. The Team Clashes will also be organized again, with newcomers (MartyVole, L4ny-, Pamboum and Eekeeboo) joining the well-known representatives of the community.
Most of the changes will first be thoroughly tested on the Sandbox Server. This way we will be able to check the changes in artillery, HE shells and crew 2.0 at the end of winter.