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The Crew 2
June 29, 2018
The second installment in a multiplayer open world game series developed by Ivory Tower Studios, which employs the creators of the Test Drive Unlimited series. Like the first installment, The Crew 2 features open world races taking place all over the United States of America. Players participate in various motorsport competitions and try to beat other players or the AI-controlled drivers. This time around, we get at our disposal not only a number of different cars but also motorcycles, motorboats, and airplanes. The Crew 2 delivers an arcade vehicle handling model, which consorts with the tracks filled with obstacles and quarter pipes. The title focuses on giving players the freedom to drive anywhere they want, anytime they want – there is nothing standing in our way to e.g. get to a building’s rooftop and take a small spin. The well developed social aspect of the game allows us not only to race other players but also to form crews and share unlocked achievements. The entire experience is well complimented with detailed graphics and dynamic day and night cycle.

Ace Combat 7: Skies Unknown
February 1, 2019
An arcade flight simulator and continuation of the popular series published by Bandai Namco. Like its predecessors, Ace Combat 7 is set in alternative timeline, in which there are different countries, and humans have constructed unique flying units. Game focuses on the story, which we learn both through events during missions and many cutscenes. The gameplay is mostly arcade, with only a few simulation’s features. Due to that, realism has to move over and make space for dynamic and eye-catching sky fights, including battles with powerful bosses. Each available plane flies slightly differently, resulting in a more varied experience. Ace Combat 7 offers a story campaign for one player and multiplayer mode. Developers made use of Unreal Engine 4 and also added support of PlayStation VR goggles.

Microsoft Flight Simulator X
October 13, 2006
A new installment in the most famous civil aircraft simulator from Microsoft. The new edition stands apart with its improved visuals and support for DirectX10 multimedia libraries, enabling the developers to introduce spectacular weather effects and accurate aircraft models. The world of Microsoft Flight Simulator X is built from over 24 thousand airfields from all around the world. The players can choose from numerous authentic aircraft, from commercial airliners (including Boeing 787 and Airbus A321), through stunt planes and helicopters, and up to hydroplanes (Grumman G-21 Goose). Moreover, we are also given a Learning Center, an extensive training mode, and a number of basic missions and challenges that offer a number of hidden rewards when completed. The game contains a multiplayer component, with LAN as well as online modes. Microsoft Flight Simulator X also introduces the ability to use all of the add-ons released for the previous installments of the series.

F-22 Total Air War
October 31, 1998
Continuation of the F-22 Air Dominance Fighter simulator by Digital Image Design. In the game we sit back at the helm of the undetectable Raptor fighter and move to the theatre of action known from the predecessor. We are waiting for 10 mini-campaigns describing 10 fictitious armed conflicts involving the USA, China and Russia.

Digital Combat Simulator World
April 30, 2012
A free gaming platform that integrates all installments of the popular Digital Combat Simulator simulation series into a single interface. It was developed by Eagle Dynamics, a Russian developer studio. Thanks to this solution, each game of the franchise is compatible with the rest and lets their users play on the same servers. The product works as a kind of an operating system for Digital Combat Simulator titles. It provides a common service with a simple interface that allows us to combine games into a single installation and to manage their data. Not only does it improve their cooperation but also updates them automatically. DCS: World features mod support and a mission editor. The above features are complemented by a gameplay recording system and a multiplayer matchmaking mechanic.

Ace Combat: Assault Horizon
January 25, 2013
The next installment of the popular series of arcade flight simulators, launched by Japanese giant Namco back in the 90s on the PlayStation console. The action of the game takes place in 2015 and focuses on the actions of NATO air force, aimed against the Russian mercenary who set himself the goal of unleashing World War III. During the campaign we play as William Bishop, commander of Warwolf squadron and we will visit the airspace of Russia, USA and Arab Emirates.

X-Plane 11
March 30, 2017
Another edition of one of the most advanced flight simulation games in development since the 90s by Laminar Research, a studio connected to NASA. X-Plane 11 does not deviate from the standards of the series in any way and offers its players the possibility of piloting a wide variety of civilian and military aircraft — starting from light planes, through giant passenger planes, and ending with helicopters. Traditionally, the game is characterized by impressive realism both in terms of the accurate recreation of available machines and flight physics. Compared to its predecessors, the production offers a revamped user interface, enhanced avionics, and even more detailed, fully functional 3D cockpits. Moreover, the title features new buildings and roads that better recreate the characteristics of Europe as well as airports that teem with life. There, we can see all kinds of vehicles, including maintenance and other AI-controlled machines.

Strike Fighters 2
December 21, 2008
Strike Fighters 2 is the sequel to the 2002 Strike Fighters: Project 1 flight simulation. Players have the opportunity to take a seat in the cabin of one of three American fighters from the 1960s - F-100D Super Sabre, A-4 Skyhawk and F-4 Phantom II and face the pilots of such machines as MiG-17, MiG-19, MiG-21, Su-7, Il-28, Tu-22, An-12, B-57B or O-1E. Developers from Third Wire Productions studio put great emphasis on faithful reproduction of aircraft models, as well as realism of air fights.

Tom Clancy’s H.A.W.X. 2
November 12, 2010
Tom Clancy's H.A.W.X. 2 is the second installment of the aeronautical arcade game by the Romanian developer studio of Ubisoft. Players sit at the helm of modern fighters (including F-22, Su-27, Harrier and Eurofighetr) and take part in heavenly battles. The creators abandoned the realistic model of flight physics in favour of a dynamic and spectacular action.

Blazing Angels: Squadrons of WWII
March 28, 2006
Blazing Angels: The Squadron of WWII is a flight simulator with an outstanding dexterity. The player plays the role of a pilot, who carries out a number of missions during World War II, from the famous Battle of England, to the bombing of Berlin.

Microsoft Flight Simulator 2024
November 19, 2024
Microsoft Flight Simulator 2024 is a flight simulator that bets on realism, allowing players to fly aircraft all around the world in various atmospherical conditions. The game makes use of satellite photos, the Azure data cloud, and machine learning.

World of Warplanes
November 12, 2013
A flight combat MMO game by Russian studio (known from e.g. World of Tanks), utilizing a free-to-play model with microtransactions. In World of Warplanes, you can play as a pilot of a fighter or bomber plane and participate in spectacular aerial battles with dozens of other planes. The game features many military plane models to choose from, representing the so-called golden age of aviation — from pre-WW2 airframes to jets from the Korean War era. Each plane varies in terms of characteristics, and can also be customized according to our preferences. The gameplay is not a realistic flight simulation, and the production focuses on dynamic action.

Jane's USAF: United States Air Force
October 20, 1999
Flight simulator offering the possibility to fly as many as 8 types of aircraft used by the U.S. Air Force. The authors allowed players to take part in 62 missions divided into 4 campaigns, including the Vietnamese conflict, the Desert Storm operation or a hypothetical conflict in Europe.