Aidem Media/BoomBit
Aidem Media/BoomBit is a developer and publisher.
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Aidem Media/BoomBit is a Polish creator and publisher of video games. Aidem Media/BoomBit has been active on the market since before 2001. Its first and so far only project was game Matolek the Goat the Inventor. Company usually publishes its games on its own. The developer's most recent work is City of Secrets; company is releasing this game in-house. The developer's most recent work is City of Secrets; company is releasing this game in-house. Production release occurred on 24 July 2012.
Most Popular Games Developed by Aidem Media/BoomBit
Developed Games
List of all released games developed by Aidem Media/BoomBit.
Lazarus Creek - November 28, 2011 - PC
Thumbelina - October 17, 2011 - PC, iOS
Pirates Tale - October 3, 2011 - PC
Tajemnicze zamczysko: Niezwykle przygody Bolka i Lolka - November 23, 2009 - PC
Domisie: Kolorowy Swiat - August 17, 2009 - PC
City of Secrets - August 5, 2009 - PC, iOS, AND
Lamiglowki Reksia: Wielki Odkrywca - November 11, 2008 - PC
Fun with English – Rooster’s adventures - September 3, 2008 - PC
Bolek i Lolek: Moje pierwsze literki - December 12, 2007 - PC
Reksio i Kretes: Tajemnica Trzeciego Wymiaru - December 12, 2007 - PC
Roszpunka - September 17, 2007 - PC
Bolek i Lolek: Moje pierwsze studio plastyczne - July 19, 2007 - PC
The Fox and the Bear - July 19, 2007 - PC
The Kindergartener's Playground: The Fox and The Bear - July 19, 2007 - PC
Reksio i Kretes w Akcji! - March 23, 2007 - PC
Graj z nami czesc 2 - March 13, 2007 - PC
Play With Us - January 10, 2007 - PC
Pocahontas - December 20, 2006 - PC
Reksio i kapitan Nemo - October 10, 2006 - PC
Krolowa Sniegu - May 12, 2006 - PC
Sleeping Beauty - March 15, 2006 - PC
Bolek i Lolek: Jezyk niemiecki dla najmlodszych - February 8, 2006 - PC
Snow White - December 5, 2005 - PC
Benny and Lenny. English for the little ones - November 28, 2005 - PC
Little King Macius. The Fairground - November 28, 2005 - PC
Beauty and the Beast - September 18, 2005 - PC
Bolek and Lolek. The alphabet and learning to read - August 25, 2005 - PC
Little King Macius. Kindergarten, games with friends - August 1, 2005 - PC
Cinderella - May 30, 2005 - PC
The Merry Kindergarten of Matolek the Goat - May 30, 2005 - PC
Little King Macius. The island of Togo-Pogo - April 28, 2005 - PC
Funny education 4 kids - April 25, 2005 - PC
The Little Mermaid - March 14, 2005 - PC
Games & Stories 4 Kids: The myths can be fun - November 2, 2004 - PC
The Adventure of Odysseus, Hercules - October 16, 2004 - PC
The Trojan War, The Quest for the Golden Flece - October 13, 2004 - PC
Games & Stories 4 Kids 2 - October 6, 2004 - PC
Games & Stories 4 Kids - September 20, 2004 - PC
Ali Baba, Robinson Crusoe - September 17, 2004 - PC
Doktor Dolittle, Sindbad - September 15, 2004 - PC
Robin Hood, Gulliwer's Travel - August 28, 2004 - PC
The Jungle Book, Peter Pan - August 28, 2004 - PC
Reksio i Wehikul Czasu - July 12, 2004 - PC
Bolek i Lolek: Zwariowana Olimpiada - May 12, 2004 - PC
Reksio i Czarodzieje - March 12, 2004 - PC
Bolek i Lolek: Olimpiada Letnia - January 30, 2004 - PC
Benny and Lenny: English for children - November 27, 2003 - PC
Reksio and spelling - November 4, 2003 - PC
Reksio i Ufo - October 28, 2003 - PC
The Merry Kindergarten of Reksio - October 2, 2003 - PC
Matolek the Goat's School - September 5, 2003 - PC
Reksio i Skarb Piratow - August 12, 2003 - PC
The Merry Kindergarten of Bennie & Lennie - June 30, 2003 - PC
ABC with Reksio - December 30, 2001 - PC
Bennie & Lenny: The Quest of the lost Book of Spelling - October 10, 2001 - PC
I count with Reksio - October 10, 2001 - PC
Matolek the Goat Goes to School - October 10, 2001 - PC
Matolek the Goat the Inventor - October 10, 2001 - PC
Released Games
List of all released games published by Aidem Media/BoomBit.
Lazarus Creek - November 28, 2011 - PC
Thumbelina - October 17, 2011 - PC, iOS
Pirates Tale - October 3, 2011 - PC
Tajemnicze zamczysko: Niezwykle przygody Bolka i Lolka - November 23, 2009 - PC
Domisie: Kolorowy Swiat - August 17, 2009 - PC
City of Secrets - August 5, 2009 - PC, iOS, AND
Lamiglowki Reksia: Wielki Odkrywca - November 11, 2008 - PC
Fun with English – Rooster’s adventures - September 3, 2008 - PC
Bolek i Lolek: Moje pierwsze literki - December 12, 2007 - PC
Reksio i Kretes: Tajemnica Trzeciego Wymiaru - December 12, 2007 - PC
Roszpunka - September 17, 2007 - PC
Bolek i Lolek: Moje pierwsze studio plastyczne - July 19, 2007 - PC
The Fox and the Bear - July 19, 2007 - PC
The Kindergartener's Playground: The Fox and The Bear - July 19, 2007 - PC
Reksio i Kretes w Akcji! - March 23, 2007 - PC
Graj z nami czesc 2 - March 13, 2007 - PC
Play With Us - January 10, 2007 - PC
Pocahontas - December 20, 2006 - PC
Reksio i kapitan Nemo - October 10, 2006 - PC
Krolowa Sniegu - May 12, 2006 - PC
Sleeping Beauty - March 15, 2006 - PC
Bolek i Lolek: Jezyk niemiecki dla najmlodszych - February 8, 2006 - PC
Snow White - December 5, 2005 - PC
Benny and Lenny. English for the little ones - November 28, 2005 - PC
Little King Macius. The Fairground - November 28, 2005 - PC
Beauty and the Beast - September 18, 2005 - PC
Bolek and Lolek. The alphabet and learning to read - August 25, 2005 - PC
Little King Macius. Kindergarten, games with friends - August 1, 2005 - PC
Cinderella - May 30, 2005 - PC
The Merry Kindergarten of Matolek the Goat - May 30, 2005 - PC
Little King Macius. The island of Togo-Pogo - April 28, 2005 - PC
Funny education 4 kids - April 25, 2005 - PC
The Little Mermaid - March 14, 2005 - PC
Games & Stories 4 Kids: The myths can be fun - November 2, 2004 - PC
The Adventure of Odysseus, Hercules - October 16, 2004 - PC
The Trojan War, The Quest for the Golden Flece - October 13, 2004 - PC
Games & Stories 4 Kids 2 - October 6, 2004 - PC
Games & Stories 4 Kids - September 20, 2004 - PC
Ali Baba, Robinson Crusoe - September 17, 2004 - PC
Doktor Dolittle, Sindbad - September 15, 2004 - PC
Robin Hood, Gulliwer's Travel - August 28, 2004 - PC
The Jungle Book, Peter Pan - August 28, 2004 - PC
Reksio i Wehikul Czasu - July 12, 2004 - PC
Bolek i Lolek: Zwariowana Olimpiada - May 12, 2004 - PC
Reksio i Czarodzieje - March 12, 2004 - PC
Bolek i Lolek: Olimpiada Letnia - January 30, 2004 - PC
Benny and Lenny: English for children - November 27, 2003 - PC
Reksio and spelling - November 4, 2003 - PC
Reksio i Ufo - October 28, 2003 - PC
The Merry Kindergarten of Reksio - October 2, 2003 - PC
Matolek the Goat's School - September 5, 2003 - PC
Reksio i Skarb Piratow - August 12, 2003 - PC
The Merry Kindergarten of Bennie & Lennie - June 30, 2003 - PC
ABC with Reksio - December 30, 2001 - PC
Bennie & Lenny: The Quest of the lost Book of Spelling - October 10, 2001 - PC
I count with Reksio - October 10, 2001 - PC
Matolek the Goat Goes to School - October 10, 2001 - PC
Matolek the Goat the Inventor - October 10, 2001 - PC