Reksio i Kretes: Tajemnica Trzeciego Wymiaru

Reksio i Kretes: Tajemnica Trzeciego Wymiaru


Release Date: December 12, 2007

Arcade, animated TV series, for children, Polish, singleplayer

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Reksio and Kretes - The Mystery of the Third Dimension is another product with a well-known and liked, nice dog in the main role, created by Aidem Media for young computer users.

Reksio and Kretes - The Mystery of the Third Dimension is another product with a well-known and liked, nice dog in the main role, created by Aidem Media for young computer users (since 6 years). This production is a stand-alone addition of a logical and arcade character to the series about the adventures of Mexico, for the installation of which you do not need earlier games from the cycle. In order to play successfully, it is not required to know the content of the predecessors.

The plot presented in this edition is as follows: in the middle of the night, Rexia and his friends, Cretes and Rooster the Inventor, awakens some mysterious sound coming from a nearby forest. Driven by curiosity, the characters decide to get to the source of the noise - on a forest clearing they find a powerful black monolith of unknown origin. Regardless of the possible danger, Kretes touches the surface of the mysterious monolith, at the same time all three of them are drawn into the depths of the third dimension.

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Last updated on August 14, 2015

Reksio i Kretes: Tajemnica Trzeciego Wymiaru Summary