Duke Nukem Video Game Series
A series of action games, launched in 1991. Its first parts were the work of Apogee Software, which in 1996 was renamed 3D Realms, while the in 2010 the rights to the brand passed into the hands of Gearbox Software studio. In addition, over the years, teams such as n-Space, Eurocom, Sunstorm Interactive, Torus Games and Frontline Studios, among others, have made their mark on the history of the series.
A brief history of the Duke Nukem series
The first two installments of the series, i.e. Duke Nukem (1991) i Duke Nukem II (1993) were classic 2D action platformers. The revolution was brought by the game released in 1996. Duke Nukem 3D, which was a racy FPS. After the release of the latter, the 3D Realms team concentrated on working on the fourth chapter of the adventures of the titular "Duke", i.e. Duke Nukem Forever, but work on it was significantly prolonged, and the studio itself in the meantime fell into financial trouble. As a result, in 2010 the project, along with the entire brand, was taken over by the Gearbox Software team, which completed it and released it in 2011. In 2013 Duke Nukem 3D saw a re-release enhanced with additional content, titled Duke Nukem 3D: Megaton Edition, which was followed three years later by the game Duke Nukem 3D: 20th Anniversary World Tour.
In the meantime, various spin-offs of the series were createdsuch as the TPP shooter games Duke Nukem: Time to Kill (1998), Duke Nukem: Zero Hour (1999) and Duke Nukem: Lands of Babes (2000), as well as a game that refers to the brand's platform roots Duke Nukem: Manhattan Project (2002). In addition, the series made its way not only to personal computers and desktop consoles, but also to handhelds and mobile devices, including through the games Duke Nukem Advance (2002), a sub-cycle of Duke Nukem Mobile (2004-2005) and the game released for the Nintendo DS Duke Nukem: Critical Mass (2011). One of the side entries, viz. Duke Nukem: Mass Destruction, was eventually renamed Bombshelland the title character replaced Duke in it.
In addition, over the years there have been other projects under the banner of Duke Nukemwhich ultimately did not see the light of day, such as the platformer Duke Nukem 4Ever, the original Duke Nukem: Endangered Spiecies, developed with the PlayStation 2 in mind Duke Nukem D-Day or even the remake of Duke Nukem 3D, entitled Duke Nukem 3D: Reloaded.
Gameplay in the games of the Duke Nukem series
Although at first glance the individual games under the banner of Duke Nukem may differ significantly from one another, they have a number of common denominators. The first of these is the title's main character, who is a stereotypical muscle man who faces various threats to the world, led by an alien invasion. In addition, all titles emphasize fast-paced action and put at the players' disposal a wide range of murder weapons, and do not take themselves too seriously, abounding in humorous scenes or references to other cultural works.
As a curiosity, it should be added that not much was missing that the series was called Duke Nukum. This is because after the release of its first part, the developers found out about the existence of a TV series titled Captain Planet and the Planeteers, whose protagonist was just called Duke Nukem. Fearing a lawsuit for trademark infringement, the authors hastily rebranded their character as Duke Nukem in version 2.0 of their creation. However, when it came to light that Duke Nukem was not a registered trademark, without hesitation they restored the protagonist to his original name.
Duke Nukem Series Evolution
Duke Nukem 3D: 20th Anniversary World Tour
Duke Nukem 3D: Megaton Edition
Duke Nukem Forever
Duke Nukem: Critical Mass
Duke Nukem: Manhattan Project
Duke Nukem 3D
Duke Nukem II

Duke Nukem 3D: 20th Anniversary World Tour
October 11, 2016
An anniversary edition of the cult-classic FPS, prepared in cooperation between Nerve Software and Gearbox software to celebrate the 20th anniversary of the release. The action of Duke Nukem 3D: 20th Anniversary World Tour takes place in 21st century Los Angeles. During the game, we assume the role of the iconic tough-guy, Duke, who has to face the alien invaders. When it comes to mechanics, the title doesn’t differ much from the original version of the game, but the new edition includes a new weapon, called Incinerator, and a new type of enemy, so called Firefly. The biggest addition of the new version is a brand-new episode containing eight levels and taking place on, among others, streets of London, Paris, and Amsterdam. When it comes to visuals, the title uses the source code of Duke Nukem 3D, but the developers remade the graphics in full 3D. The audio includes new tracks and additional dialogue lines for Duke.

Duke Nukem 3D: Megaton Edition
March 20, 2013
Definitive release of Duke Nukem 3D, the legendary 1996 FPS, which includes all the published add-ons, as well as the original and extended edition of the stand.

Duke Nukem Forever
June 10, 2011
Duke Nukem Forever is a sequel of the heavily-worshiped FPS, whose origins reach the beginning of the 1990s. After many years of silence, and a turbulent development cycle – during which the production was taken away from 3D Realms, and given to Gearbox Software – Duke Nukem Forever was released in a much more modern form. The premise of gameplay remains unchanged for the most part: gamers play as a muscled macho, who eliminates hordes of hog-like alien enemies in an spectacular manner, while saving lives of attractive females. The mechanics were enhanced with, for example, the ability to finish off enemies, drive vehicles, or use stationary weapons, environment destruction, and regenerating health (dubbed as ego) bar. The protagonist can use a slew of ridiculous guns, among which one can find the shrinker – a gun which shrinks enemies. Duke Nukem Forever is still a brutal shooter, full of raw humor, mostly expressed in the protagonist’s remarks, voiced by John St. John.

Duke Nukem: Critical Mass
April 8, 2011
A shooter full of action from the perspective of the first and third person, filled with a huge number of strangers, as well as beautiful women, whom we will rush to the rescue. We are waiting for 39 levels in atmospheric, three-dimensional graphics.

Duke Nukem Advance
August 12, 2002
Pocket version of the cult PeCet shooter. We have a dozen or so extended levels to overcome. The action is observed, of course, from the perspective of the first person.

Duke Nukem: Manhattan Project
June 3, 2002
In Duke Nukem: Manhattan Project we go back a little bit in time, until some mysterious people decided to discover a new source of radioactive energy, when Duke was busy fighting foreign invaders.

Duke Nukem 3D
May 13, 1996
One of the most famous first-person shooters and, at the same time, the third installment of the series about the adventures of an arrogant hero. The title focuses on dynamics and effectiveness, serving a lot of humour at the same time.
- Duke Nukem 3D: Duke it out in D.C. December 2, 1997

Duke Nukem II
December 3, 1993
Duke Nukem II is a continuation of the platform arcade by Apogee Software. This time the main character is kidnapped by strangers who want to extract from his brain the information needed to conquer the Earth.

Duke Nukem: Episode 2 - Mission: Moonbase
November 1, 1991
The second episode of a platform arcade game with the title prince in the lead role. This time, in the pursuit of the cruel Dr. Proton, we get to the base on the moon, where the ominous machines and robots are full of sinister machines and robots. Interesting weapons and Duke's charismatic character make the game more enjoyable.

Duke Nukem: Episode 3 - Trapped in the Future
November 1, 1991
The final episode of a platform arcade game with the title role of Duke. The evil Doctor Proton is moving into the future, where he creates an army of Techbots, which we have to face. Duke's charismatic character and funny storylines will allow you to enjoy the game.

Duke Nukem: Episode 1 - Shrapnel City
July 1, 1991
Arcade game in which jumping on platforms is as important as exterminating a huge number of enemies. The protagonist is the title Duke Nukem.

Duke Nukem: Endangered Species
As a Duke, move into the jungle, into the world of predators, where every careless step and moment of hesitation can be fatal by tearing your razor-sharp teeth apart.
Duke Nukem Series News

Alien Armageddon, major fan campaign for Duke Nukem 3D, has finally been finished
A new version of Duke Nukem 3D's fan-made Alien Armageddon campaign has been released. The update added 12 new maps and thus brought the story to its finale.
Files and Mods
Adrian Werner
December 5, 2024

Fans Complete the Best Unreleased Version of Legendary Shooter
The Duke Nukem 2001 Restoration Project, a mod whose ambition is to complete the unreleased version of this FPS, considered the best incarnation of the game, is thriving.
Files and Mods
Adrian Werner
May 9, 2023

Duke Nukem Forever Fixed by Dedicated Fan 11 Years After Launch
Eleven years after the disappointing release of Duke Nukem Forever, a fan project has been created that thoroughly improves the game's gameplay, bringing it closer to that of Duke Nukem 3D.
Files and Mods
Adrian Werner
September 20, 2022

Here's A Trailer for the Canceled Duke Nukem Prequel
Animator Gregor Punchatz has presented the official trailer for Duke Nukem Begins, the unreleased installment of the iconic series.
video games
Ignacy Ziarkiewicz
August 9, 2021