Taking over the outposts | Other collectibles and activities Far Cry 3 Guide
Last update: 11 May 2016
Before you start taking over an outpost, you should recognize the area first, with your camera. After that, your enemies are marked on your mini-map, and you will be able to see their silhouettes through obstacles. When there are two enemies side by side, and you still haven't unlocked the double-kill ability, toss a stone to make them separate.
Enemies of various kinds are marked with different icons, depending on the type of weaponry that they carry. You should pay special attention to armored enemies (with the symbol of a shield overhead) They can be killed with a rocket launcher or an RPG. Another method assumes that you sneak behind them and shoot them on the head. You can also try and shoot their armor masks off their heads. After you unlock the Heavy Beatdown skill, you will be able to kill them with silent elimination.
Sometimes you can see animal cages in outposts. It always pays off to destroy such a cage. It is possible that the released animal kills all of the enemies.
Depending on how an outpost is taken over, you are awarded experience points. For securing every outpost, you receive 500 experience points. For not causing alarm 550 points. If, throughout the entire mission, you are not spotted, you get 1500points. As you can notice, you receive more bonuses for not being seen at all and killing your enemies quietly.
In every outpost, there is a secret depot with an automated shop in it, and sometimes also items to collect, like memory cards. After you secure an outpost, you can fast-travel to it from anywhere on the map. Taking over an outpost, also unlocks plot missions , side quests and mini-games, like the path of the hunter or supply drop.