Eye for an Eye | Side quests Fallout: New Vegas Guide
Last update: 11 May 2016
Eye for an Eye
Given by: First Sergeant Astor [Camp Searchlight] (MsG:20)
NOTICE: In order to take this task you need to visit the [Cottonwood Cove] (MsG:22) first.
Sergeant Astor patrols the area along with his companions #1. When you mention the Cottonwood Cove while talking to him, the quest will start. He'll assign you with complete intelligence mission: you have to collect some intel on Legion future raids and troop movements. You'll also receive a NCR bug which has to be plant in Legion's radio. Heat to [Cottonwood Cove] (MsG:22) where you'll have two choices to deal with the task.
Solution 1
Talk to Aurelius of Phoenix (M8:4) about bugging the radio. You'll get the old intel data and the NCR soldiers will be taken by surprise by the Legion. Return to Astor (MsG:20) and give him the bad data.
Solution 2
Enter the Legion Headquarters (M8:4) and plant the bug in the radio #1. Search the cabinet and get the Legion raid intel. Go outside and head to the Aurelius' office. Search his desk #2 and take the documents about the patrols. Return to Astor (MsG:20) and give him the intel data you've collected.
Your last task is to wipe the Legion camp out. You can just pop in and kill all of the Legionnaires if you're tough enough and you think you can make it.
The second option is to drop several radioactive barrels into the camp (M8:5). Legion soldiers will be doomed.
Return to Astor (MsG:20) again and report that the cove is clear.