Main quests - QUEST 3: Hearing Voices | Main quests
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Received from: Jimson [Point Lookout]
![[#29] - Main quests - QUEST 3: Hearing Voices - Main quests - Fallout 3: Point Lookout - Game Guide and Walkthrough](/fallout3pointlookout/gfx/word/-691510046.jpg)
Walkthrough: I would recommend that you start off by exploring cathedral grounds. It would be wise to collect plants for one of the subquests and the only person you'll want to talk to is Croatoa. If you have Child at Heart perk you can choose a new dialogue option [#29], resulting in Croatoa giving you a unique shovel. Once you're ready open the main gate to get access to the cathedral itself. Ignore some of the tribals in the center of the cathedral. Instead inspect the altar to find stimpaks and talk to Woodrose which apparently is one of the few sane people in this area.
![[#30] - Main quests - QUEST 3: Hearing Voices - Main quests - Fallout 3: Point Lookout - Game Guide and Walkthrough](/fallout3pointlookout/gfx/word/-691510031.jpg)
The most important person inside the cathedral is Nadine [#30] (daughter of Catherine whom you've met while trying to use the ferry). Start off by asking Nadine about the new scar on your body and ways of getting rid of it. The results will be satisfactory, because she'll remove the scar, allowing you to use helmets and other hats once again. You can now ask her about the person responsible for cutting away a piece of your brain and about her mother (by giving her the note). Nadine will offer to meet you down by the pier. Before you end this conversation make sure to ask her about Jackson's whereabouts and you'll find out that he can be found in the caves located beneath the cathedral. The only way to reach the caves is via underground tunnel system and that'll be your next objective. Nadine should give you a key to the caves, so you can finally exit the cathedral and move on with your mission.
![[#31] - Main quests - QUEST 3: Hearing Voices - Main quests - Fallout 3: Point Lookout - Game Guide and Walkthrough](/fallout3pointlookout/gfx/word/-691510015.jpg)
The game will now require to report your findings to Desmond, so you should consider quick travelling to Calvert Mansion. Enter the house and talk to Desmond. He should order you to find Jackson, so you may exit the mansion right away. Return to Ark & Dove Cathedral and start moving north-east, towards Wrecked Seatub. I would recommend to be very careful along the way, because the resting grounds located near the cathedral are being occupied by a large group of powerful feral ghouls [#31]. You should be fine as long as you maintain safe distance and leave them alone.
![[#32] - Main quests - QUEST 3: Hearing Voices - Main quests - Fallout 3: Point Lookout - Game Guide and Walkthrough](/fallout3pointlookout/gfx/word/-691510000.jpg)
Turn north when you get to the cliff and continue heading in that direction. You'll soon have to head downwards. Slide down carefully until you end up standing next to the water. Proceed west where you'll find the ship [#32]. Getting on board shouldn't be a problem, so instead focus on finding a small hatch. Press the action key to travel to the Sea Cave. Make sure to choose a good weapon from your inventory before moving on!
![[#33] - Main quests - QUEST 3: Hearing Voices - Main quests - Fallout 3: Point Lookout - Game Guide and Walkthrough](/fallout3pointlookout/gfx/word/-691509984.jpg)
You'll have to be very patient while going through the caves, because you'll be dealing with a lot of mirelurks. Some of these beasts are going to be very resistant to your gunfire, so don't forget to use heavy artillery to take them out and to minimize the risk of receiving major injuries. Find a small boat when you get to the first large cave [#33], because you'll be allowed to pick up a relatively powerful double-barreled shotgun. Use the upper platforms to travel west and then turn north. Use your Pip-Boy to locate monsters, so you won't be surprised by anything.
![[#34] - Main quests - QUEST 3: Hearing Voices - Main quests - Fallout 3: Point Lookout - Game Guide and Walkthrough](/fallout3pointlookout/gfx/word/-691509968.jpg)
Eventually you'll have to get to a much larger cave where you'll notice Jackson talking to a weird looking machine. Go to your right and use the platform to approach the leader of the tribe. You can kill him right now or you can act peacefully and wait for the audience to come to an end. If you're patient enough you'll be allowed to talk to Jackson and surprisingly he'll allow you to meet his master. Approach the holographic projection and initiate a new conversation by talking to the brain [#34]. During the conversation you'll find out that the scientist wants someone to shut down Desmond's signal. He'll ask you to do it, but thankfully even if you agree you'll have a chance to choose your allegiance during the course of the next main quest.
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