Fallout. 10 iconic games from 1997, the year of legens

- The Year of Legends - 10 Best Games Released in 1997
- Fallout
- Grand Theft Auto
- Quake 2
- Final Fantasy 7
- Dungeon Keeper
- Age of Empires
- The Curse of Monkey Island
- Ultima Online
- Blade Runner
- Release date: October 10
- Producer: Interplay Productions
- Genre: RPG
- Platforms: PC, MacOS

Today we can envy this "complaining" over the number of excellent games to try in just one year, but those were the golden days of gaming. Referring to the controversial statement in the Diablo review, that there were only a "handful" of RPG fans at that time, it is worth mentioning that the release of Fallout at the end of the year is considered as reignite broad interest in the genre Players were captivated not only by the excellent gameplay and open storyline, but mostly by the post-apocalyptic setting. The main source of inspiration for the creators was their own game Wasteland and the movies Mad Max and A Boy and His Dog.
In times when RPGs were mainly set in pseudo-medieval fantasy atmospheres, Fallout seemed like a bold breath of freshness, introducing something new and not overused. The magic of this game was indeed that it captivated everyone, even the most casual (by the standards of 1997) players, not just hardcore RPG fans. Besides the superb atmosphere and plot, the game's advantage was its easy-to-use character class system, in which each skill proved to be significant and allowed experimenting with builds. However, interestingly, Fallout did not even come close to the popularity enjoyed by Diablo or Baldur's Gate. Sales of the game were below expectations, although good enough to start development of a sequel. A strong community of loyal fans was built around the brand, which continues to grow to this day