Yennefer. Which Witcher is best? Netflix vs. CD Projekt RED

Christopher Mysiak


Hmm... - The Witcher from Netflix vs The Witcher 3 – We Compare Sapkowski's Adaptations - dokument - 2020-01-07

Now time for Yennefer. This is a similar case. Lauren Hissrich and her team have given her story a lot more exposition than the books – meanwhile, the end result is meagre compared to what Sapkowski achieves in just a couple of pages in The Last Wish. In the stories, she's a powerful and ruthless sorceress, whose power cannot overshadow humane weaknesses. In the series, Yennefer is portrayed as a woman characterized by two tendencies: self-pity and erotic entertainment. And the heroine does not become charismatic because of this. Even burning the Nilfgaardian army with a single spell in the season finale doesn't change that.

The game didn't offer a perfect depiction either, but The Witcher 3 managed – overall – to portray Yen much better. Just one encounter of the sorceress with Geralt at the beginning of the game (after completing the prologue in the White Orchard), she was established as a dangerous and influential figure of a cold character, who, however, is also able to love passionately. Not knowing anything about her past, including a difficult childhood, does not prevent the player from formulating a personal opinion on the heroine. Quite the contrary.


Although this is a similar case, the editors were not as unanimous as in relation to Ciri. "Only" 63.2% of the respondents recognized Yennefer's game depiction as superior (half of the votes calling it "definitely better"). 21.1% voted for Netflix.

Which Yennefer was better?

The Witcher 3: Blood and Wine

May 31, 2016

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The Witcher 3: Hearts of Stone

October 13, 2015

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Christopher Mysiak

Author: Christopher Mysiak

Associated with since 2013, first as a co-worker, and since 2017 - a member of the Editorial team. Currently the head of the Game Encyclopedia. His older brother - a game collector and player - sparked his interest in electronic entertainment. He got an education as a librarian/infobroker - but he did not follow in the footsteps of Deckard Cain or the Shadow Broker. Before he moved from Krakow to Poznan in 2020, he was remembered for attending Tolkien conventions, owning a Subaru Impreza, and swinging a sword in the company's parking lot.