Jaskier. Which Witcher is best? Netflix vs. CD Projekt RED

- The Witcher from Netflix vs The Witcher 3 - We Compare Sapkowski's Adaptations
- Cirilla
- Yennefer
- Jaskier
- Elves, dwarves, and other races
- Humor
- Depth and subtlety
- Dialogues
- Source material fidelity
- Slavic themes
- Summary

And the last character we'll examine. Although I don't really like the fact that Jaskier has become a sort of Donkey from Shrek in Netflix, I have to admit that Joey Batey was on top of his game. Actually, I think Sapkowski created this character perfectly to suit the tastes of the mass audience. A daft musician and womanizer who always gets into trouble, throws inappropriate jokes and jumps into bed with whoever agrees, is the archetype of a character who must have hit fertile ground in the USA. Especially if you compare it to the grim monster killer who talks to his own horse, and, willy-nilly, saves the musician from trouble time after time. Such a duo is a guarantee of success. Especially when it turns out that Joey Batey can also sing incredibly catchy ballads.
Dandelion from The Witcher 3, was no less colorful figure. In fact, CD Project RED clipped his wings a bit, turning him into an older, settled businessman, who even let go of adventures in bed (mostly) to give all his love to the special one, Priscilla. However, I still prefer the bard from the game, because he has retained what Netflix has failed to include – the ability to entertain with more than boorish jokes, but also with brilliant observations of a famous traveler. Netflix' Jaskier is just a Donkey from Shrek.
In this category, the sympathies of our editors were clearly on the side of the series. 73.7% voted for it, of which the vast majority recognized Jaskier as "definitely" better than its gaming equivalent.
Jaskier or Dandellion?