A dark adventure. Dream games in Diablo universe (some crazy!)

- Dream Games Set in Diablo Universe (Some of them Crazy!)
- A dark adventure
- Strategy
- Real RPG
- Bonus round – less serious
A dark adventure

I always repeated, and I always shall. Sanctuary is the perfect place for fantastic, amazing and atmospheric stories. I even believe the world doesn't need so much gore to be enchanting and engaging with its atmosphere.
18×16 svgWhat if this darkness and horror surrounding the universe was used to tell a small, intimate story not of scavengers wielding axes, magic and bows, but of some grey character that decides to face corruption, evil, and possessions? Maybe it's an ordinary man trying to survive, maybe an exorcist fighting demons in his head, maybe someone else. Someone who doesn't have to chase the most expensive armor and perhaps doesn't even swing a sword.
The world of Sanctuary is not only wastelands and dilapidated ruins that look like someone had an afterparty there. It's also big cities where – when there's no invasion of devils or undead – the common folk try to lead a normal life. A story about trying to balance between normalcy and madness in the face of a cataclysm – seems like something relevant in modern day and age.
Adventure games have evolved a lot, so you can imagine at least a few variants. Classic point'n'click, cause who can stop the rich? (Blizzard already tried Warcraft Adventures) You can also bet on something like decision-based games by Telltale ("Diablo Among Us," anyone?) or a simulator ("Vanishing of Deckard Cain" – isn't it too early?). This would already entail some sort of combat, but the combination of action adventure and survival horror in the style of Alan Wake or Silent Hill, with a properly twisted story, would be quite an interesting experiment.