Height Slider - tall as a giant. The best mods to The Sims 4 in 2024

- MC Command Center – a harvester for everything
- Become a Sorcerer – Sim wizardry
- Go to School – time for school
- Part Time Jobs - would you like some french fries?
- Alter Initial Funds - poor or rich?
- Explore Mod Mini - mini holidays
- Slice of Life - get ready for a date
- Afterschool Activities Bundle 2 - extra activities
- Ownable Cars – stylish cars
- Srsly's Complete Cooking Overhaul
- Fairy Mod / Trait
- Have Some Personality Please - we say no to pointless conversations
- Private Practice - introducing fully-fledged healthcare
- Brookheights - open world
- Zombie Apocalypse - (un)living Sims
- SimDa Dating App - one night stand or a permament relationship?
- Expanded Mermaids - catch fish and procrastinate
- Ultimate Dancer Career - a dance adventure
- Argentina world champion jersey - a souvenir from the World Cup
- Height Slider - tall as a giant
- Magnolia's Pocket Neighborhood - I am from the city
- Archery Skill - you have my bow!
- Mortem – death isn't fun
- Retro Sewing Machine - clothes on Insta
Height Slider - tall as a giant
It's known that a real man starts from X inches in height, and a woman ends at X kilograms - you can insert the values according to your own discretion. Height Slider, as the name suggests, deals with the topic of height, not weight, and is not limited to only one sex. Wow, we even get the opportunity to lengthen or shorten the bodies of fantastical creatures like werewolves.
The modification doesn't introduce any revolutionary innovations, but its popularity index shows that it was extremely necessary. It's worth noting that the change in height affects not only the Sims we control - it's also different for independent characters. It may be a small thing, but it brings joy, as other trends typically focus on characters created by players. So as you can see, even such uncomplicated tools can be improved.
Interestingly, size is inextricably linked with growth... of feet. So if we want the Sim to be taller or shorter, we need to manipulate the size of these body parts.