Mission 08: Profession of Faith Devil May Cry 4 Guide
Last update: 11 May 2016
Ancient Training Ground/Lapis River
Take a Blue Orb Fragment floating beneath the ceiling of the tunnel. Destroy Scarecrows and pass Lapis River. Go to Ancient Plaza area.
Ancient Plaza/Windswept Valley
You will meet new enemies here - Assaults. They're similar to Bianco Angelos but you can't knock them out as easily. In Windswept Valley destroy eggs, take Red Orbs and leave to Ruined Church.
Ruined Church/Lost Wood
In Ruined Church Area destroy Assaults and go beneath stairs to Lost Woods. Go forward, right and left. You can also go the wrong way to fall into a trap - you can obtain Blue Orb Fragment there. Go over the bridge.
Angelo Credo
Angelo Credo can be annoying but he has some weak points: High Roller can launch him. He is very fast so be quick: dodge and instantly counterattack finishing with Buster. When Credo's shield loses its glow, activate Devil Trigger and Buster him.