Dark Knight System | Challenges
Each of the challenges available in the Dark Knight System has been very well presented by the game, (the main description and additional info available in the Hints section, therefore you should not have any problems with understanding their premises. As a result, in this text, there only are hints that may prove useful during the completion if the individual missions.
Shadow Vigilante
LEVEL 1 -Counter Basics
Notes: This is a very easy challenge, especially that you do not need to perform all of the five counter-attacks during one fight.
Reward: 2500 experience points
LEVEL 2 -Batarang Combo
Notes: Do not attempt to use the batarangs at the very beginning of the fight, or right after the last combo ends, because only the attacks of the multipliers of x3, or higher, count.
Reward: 2500 experience points
LEVEL 3 -Combo Streak
Notes: The x8 multiplier can be attained at the beginning of the game.
Rewards: 2500 experience points, new ability (the Auxiliary modifications category): Free Flow Focus
LEVEL 4 -Combo Takedown
Notes: Press the special takedown button right after you receive the requisite multiplier, to prevent breaking the sequence.
Reward: 5000 experience points
LEVEL 5 -Free Flow Focus Mode
Notes: Try to complete this challenge on the groups of the weakest enemies (i.e. the ones without, knives, armors, shields, guns, etc.)
Reward: 5000 experience points
LEVEL 6 -Combo Variation
Notes: It is worth remembering the button/key combinations for quick gadgets, among others. This way, you will be able to change attack modes without breaking the flow.
Reward: 5000 experience points
LEVEL 7 -Explosive Gel Knockdown
Notes: Attempt at this challenge while fighting bigger groups of enemies and in small locations.
Reward: 5000 experience points
LEVEL 8 -Double Trip
Notes: The best way to complete this challenge is while fighting in narrow corridors, be cause the enemies often queue up to you.
Reward: 5000 experience points
LEVEL 9 -Advanced Counter Technique
Notes: Attempt at this one while fighting small groups of enemies (at least one of them must be wearing and armor, of course).
Reward: 5000 experience points
LEVEL 10 -High Risk, High Reward
Notes: You must change your attack techniques and, to the extent it is possible, try to win the fight without taking damage. It is worth reminding that the game always informs you of the risk level only after you finish the fight so, you need to try blindly (or choose crimes in progress, in accordance with the game's suggestions), while hoping that the enemies are on a level that grants completing this challenge.
Rewards: 5000 experience points, new ability (auxiliary modifications category): Free Flow Power Gadgets
LEVEL 11 -Power Gadgets
Notes: You should not have much problem with this assignment, but you need to remember that you always start with achieving the multiplier of x12 to activate the Focus Mode.
Reward: 15000 experience points
LEVEL 12 -Natural 20
Notes: As given in the description, you need to have already unlocked the Critical Strike ability Critical Strikes from the Auxiliary Upgrades.
Reward: 15000 experience points
LEVEL 13 -Complete Fighter
Notes: You will probably have more problems with achieving the requisite number of variations within one battle so, you should remember of utilizing various types of attacks. I recommend that you take on this achievement after you have unlocked the Shock Gloves, because it will be easier to increase the multiplier using them.
Reward: 15000 experience points
LEVEL 14 -Combat Synergy
Notes: Just like given in the description, you need to you need to have unlocked the Special Combo Multi Ground Takedown from the Close Combat Upgrades.
Reward: 15000 experience points
LEVEL 15 -Shadow Vigilante
Notes: It is best to leave this challenge for later, so you unlock as many of new gadgets and new attacks as possible.. You should also attempt while fighting at the medium risk level i.e. the fights with not too many elite enemies. It is going to be easier for you to succeed without taking damage.
Rewards: 15000 experience points, Shadow Vigilante tag
Gotham Protector
LEVEL 1 - Advanced Gliding
Notes: This is a very easy challenge, as long as you remember to dive and go up in turns.
Reward: 2500 experience points
LEVEL 2 - Long Dive
Notes: Bounce off a vantage point of one of the taller buildings located in, e.g. Park Row or the Diamond District.
Reward: 2500 experience points
LEVEL 3 - AR Glide Drills: Basic
Notes: There are four tasks to complete, which have been described below.
Rewards: 2500 experience points, new ability (Auxiliary Upgrades category): Grapnel Accelerator Takedown
Task 1/4
To start, you need to reach the Gotham Pioneers Bridge (the above screenshot).
This task is very easy, because you need to perform a standard gliding, while making sure that you correctly fly through all of the rings and avoid colliding with the bridge. Finally, land on a small ledge.
Task 2/4
To start this task, you need to reach the central part of the Gotham Pioneers Bridge (the above screenshot).
Glide towards the first ring and, at the moment at which you are directly above the second one, start diving (the screenshot). Glide through all of the remaining rings in the very same way, thanks to which you will complete this task.
Task 3/4
To start this task, you need to reach a small ledge located to the East of the Northern part of the Gotham Pioneers Bridge (the above screenshot).
Glide through the first ring, start diving and, right after you get through the third one, start ascending, because this is the only way to glide through the fourth ring. Finally, use the hook (aim at the hanging balcony) to pull yourself towards the fifth ring.
Task 4/4
To start this task, you need to reach the Northern part of the Gotham Pioneers Bridge (the above screenshot).
Glide towards ring 1 (the above screenshot) and start diving to reach ring 2. Rise right after you get through this one, thanks to which you will reach ring 3. Again, dive and reach ring 4. Once again, ascend and try to reach the fifth ring. Finally, land on the barge.
LEVEL 4 - Grapnel Accelerator Takedown
Notes: keep looking around for enemies on rooftops of the taller buildings, while using the detective vision to follow their moves. This will allow you to determine when you need to use the grapnel launcher for the mission to conclude.
Reward: 5000 experience points
LEVEL 5 - Crimefighter
Notes: It is a good idea to attempt at this challenge early into the game, because crimes in progress are easier then.
Reward: 5000 experience points
LEVEL 6 - Smoke Pellets: Basics
Notes: In the way described in the game, try to eliminate a lonely enemy, thanks to which you will remain unspotted while trying to get him from behind.
Reward: 5000 experience points
LEVEL 7 - Assisted Gliding
Notes: I recommend that you choose the Pioneers Bridge for this task, because it is a lot easier to use the grapnel launcher on the successive anchor points, without the risk of colliding with a wall or stopping on a ledge.
Reward: 5000 experience points
LEVEL 8 - Highest Point
Notes: The Soder Cola building is in the North-Western part of the Diamond District (the screenshot) and you only need to reach the upper balcony.
Reward: 5000 experience points
LEVEL 9 - Long Glide
Notes: Jump off one of the taller buildings. Make sure that you do not collide with anything in mid-flight and employ the technique of diving and ascending alternately.
Reward: 5000 experience points
LEVEL 10 - AR Glide Drills: Intermediate
Notes: To complete, there are two tasks which have been described below.
Rewards: 5000 experience points, new ability (Auxiliary Upgrades category): Shockwave Attack
Task 1/2
To start this task, you need to reach the Western part of the Park Row district (the above screenshot).
Do not glide directly towards the first ring and, after you get above it, dive. At the correct moment, you need to stop this process to reach both the lowest, second ring and (after you start ascending) the third one. Finally, glide straight towards the final ring on the left.
Task 2/2
To start this task, you need to reach the Southern part of the Amusement Mile district (the above screenshot).
Glide towards the ring located on the left but, correct the flight path in the mid-flight, accordingly, to steer towards the bridge on the right. Start diving and reach the second ring. The next step is the most difficult, because you need to start ascending at the moment that will allow you to go under the bridge (the above screenshot), without colliding with it. Glide through the third ring and then, through the fourth one (you cannot glide too low or you will not reach it otherwise).
LEVEL 11 - Unleash the Shockwave
Notes: The best place to lunch the shockwave is where there is a crime in progress, because you can always count on meeting numerous enemies there.
Reward: 15000 experience points
LEVEL 12 - Leap of Faith
Notes: Jump off the vantage point at one of the tallest buildings located, e.g. in the Park Row district or the Diamond District (I recommend the Soder Cola building).
Reward: 15000 experience points
LEVEL 13 - AR Glide Drills: Advanced
Notes: To complete, there are two tasks which have been described below.
Reward: 15000 experience points
Task 1/2
To start this task, you need to get to the central part of the Diamond District (the above screenshot). Note - before you start this challenge, IT IS NECESSARY that you clear the neighboring rooftops off the enemy snipers!
Start by diving towards the ledge right at the building's wall, below the starting point. Turn towards the ring on the left and start ascending at the right moment (the screenshot). Getting past the third ring should not be a problem to you but, to reach the last ring, it is best to use the hook on the small metal platform.
Task 2/2
To star this task, you need to reach the Coventry district (the above screenshot), to the Lacey Towers.
The initial part of this task is the most difficult one, where after you dive and get above ring 1 (the screenshot), you need to ascend at the moment that will allow you to glide through the pipes with rings 2 and 3. While in the air, avoid obstacles and avoid the situation in which Batman touches to a rooftop.
Unlike the initial part, the final part is very easy because you only need to dive towards the fourth ring and reach the final ring in the tunnel on the right.
LEVEL 14 - Low Flight
Notes: Take on this challenge in districts with long straight roads (e.g. the Park Row district), above water or over areas coated by ice (e.g. the vicinities of the Penguin's ship in the Amusement Mile).
Reward: 15000 experience points
LEVEL 15 - Gotham Protector
Notes: take into consideration the fact that the game counts only those of the crimes that you have actually stopped from the moment of unlocking this challenge. Your previous achievements do not count here.
Rewards: 15000 experience points, the Gotham Protector tag
Worst Nightmare
LEVEL 1 - Takedown Basics
Notes: This challenge is very easy, especially that all of the three types of attacks do not have to be performed during one encounter with the enemies.
Reward: 2500 experience points
LEVEL 2 - Silent Takedown
Notes: This time, all three attacks need to be launched within one battle. Pick your targets carefully and do not let yourself be spotted by anyone.
Reward: 2500 experience points
LEVEL 3 - Unseen
Notes: First of all, you need to remember that the air attacks (combined with knocking out the enemy) will not allow you to complete a given encounter, without getting spotted. As a result, avoid such attacks. It is also a good thing to complete this challenge early, so you can reach the tenth level, of this category of challenges, still before you complete the game's campaign mode.
Rewards: 2500 experience points, new ability (Auxiliary Upgrades category): Sonic Batarang
LEVEL 4 - Bait and Switch
Notes: The action ends in success only if you distract an enemy who cannot count on the support of his colleagues.
Reward: 5000 experience points
LEVEL 5 - Old School
Notes: It is a good idea to complete this challenge during one of the initial encounters with the bandits, because they are not too much of a threat then and you do not need to watch their moves that carefully.
Reward: 5000 experience points
LEVEL 6 - Takedown Variation
Notes: You do not need to pick any location in particular, because all of the sneak-attacks can be performed in any of the predator rooms .
Reward: 5000 experience points
LEVEL 7 - Head-On
Notes: To the extent possible, it is best to complete this challenge as soon as possible because further into the game, in the rooms that assume acting silently, there will appear elite enemies who are much more difficult to defeat in a direct combat. Of course, you should not forget about the correct performance of escapes after each successful attack.
Reward: 5000 experience points
LEVEL 8 - Perfect Vision
Notes: This challenge is very similar to the one on the fifth level, if you are spotted, you need to start the scene over again.
Reward: 5000 experience points
LEVEL 9 - Loud Takedowns
Notes: Remember that you need to escape to the nearby vantage points after watch loud attack, which limits the risk of being spotted and taking heavy damage. Just like in the case of the level 6 challenges, all of the predator rooms that you visit.
Reward: 5000 experience points
LEVEL 10 - Apex Predator
Notes: The high-risk encounters are available only further into the campaign but, you need to remember that you complete this challenge before you complete the storyline mode.
Rewards: 5000 experience points, new ability (Auxiliary Upgrades category): Sonic Shock Batarang
LEVEL 11 - Sonic Shock Batarang
Notes: To all intents and purposes, it is the test for the operation of the Sonic Shock Batarang ,and not a challenge per se. As a result, you can gain a lot of experience the easy way.
Reward: 15000 experience points.
LEVEL 12 - Always Different
Notes: Avoid taking out the enemies in any way different than takedowns, thanks to which you will avoid the situation in which you have cleared the room too early and, as a result, fail the challenge. Furthermore, you should attempt completing this challenge further in the game, because it is than that the higher-level predators appear.
Reward: 15000 experience points.
LEVEL 13 - Smoke Master
Notes: I strongly recommend that you unlock the Concussion detonator upgrade: the Concussion Detonator: Stun Duration) from the Close Combat Upgrades category, because this will make this challenge a lot easier.
Reward: 15000 experience points.
LEVEL 14 - Three With a Single Blow
Notes: Do not attempt completing this challenge until you have unlocked the Remote Claw, because this gadget will make it definitely easier to send fuel tanks towards the individual groups of enemies. Thanks to this, you will not have to wait for them to stop in a strictly defined spot.
Reward: 15000 experience points.
LEVEL 15 - Double Fall
Notes: This challenge is much easier than it might seem, at first. To complete this task, you need to use the Remote Claw and connect two enemies, on two different balconies, with a single rope in such a way, as to make both of them wall after you give the rope a jerk. A good spot to complete this challenge is the main area in the Gotham Merchants Bank.
Rewards: 15000 experience points, Worst Nightmare tag.
World's Greatest Detective
The premises of all of the challenges from this category are identical, and they reward you for supplementing the database. These include, first of all, the Casefile Reports and the profiles of the characters that live in Gotham. It is worth noting here that to reach the final, fifteenth, level, you do not need to supplement the entire database, but only 2/3.
Making it over to the next level means, of course, being rewarded with 2000 experience points on levels 1-3, 4000 on levels 4-10 and 8000 points on levels 11-15. Unlocking the last level is, additionally, rewarded with the World's Greatest Detective tag.
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