Acquisition of experience by units in Age of Wonders Planetfall Age of Wonders Planetfall guide, tips
Last update: 07 August 2019
In Age of Wonders: Planetfall, you'll have to fight dozens, if not hundreds, of battles on every mission. During each of them, if ended successful, your troops will gain experience and advance to higher levels, increasing their combat skills. In this chapter you will learn how experience mechanics work in the game.
Getting experience points
In Age of Wonders, experience points are earned by all units that have participated in the battle and that have survived to the end of the battle - in other words, they have found themselves on the winner's side. The amount of experience points in turn depends on how many enemy units are defeated and what levels (Tiers) they were. The entire pool of experience points is then divided among all the units that joined the fight.
Advancement to higher levels
Each unit - whether a hero, a commander or a "regular" soldier - has its own pool of experience points, after which it will be promoted to a higher level. You can check this pool on the unit card by clicking on it in LMB. Promotion to higher levels works differently depending on the type of unit. For heroes and commanders, advancement to a higher level gives them several skill points, which can then be distributed to unlock a new ability - passive or active. In this way, these units can be used to create real killing machines or almost indestructible tanks. For other types of the units, promotion is associated with obtaining a higher tier, which in turn increases the combat parameters and health points of the unit. This means that even the theoretically weaker units, but the more experienced ones, can win the battle against a more technologically advanced army.
Valuable Tips
If you care about the development of units, remember the following tips:
- As far as possible, attack any enemy army your troops can handle with. On the one hand this will remove the potential threat, on the other hand it can allow your units to gain additional XP.
- For weaker and less experienced units, target enemies whose total combat power (given at the bottom of the army window) is 2 or even 3 times smaller than yours. This way they will gain some experience points. At the same time you will not risk losing your unit.
- If you are thinking about developing units, do not send an army to fight an enemy of comparable or greater strength. Such battles can be won, of course, but most likely there will be losses - and the killed unit will not gain any experience points.