Specialization of the garden | Pinatas - breeder advices Viva Pinata Guide
Last update: 11 May 2016
The basic goal of the game is to gain and breed following species of pinatas. You can do it at your own pace or speed up this process a little. This is why we prepared some advices concerning this aspect of Viva Pinata. Information about specific species can be found in the chapter entitled Pinata species.
Specialization of the garden
If you want to give your best with breeding a specific species, you must throw up having more than 4-5 types of them at this same time. That way you'll manage without much problem to fill their requirements and take control over each individual. If an unwanted animal comes to your garden, you can always use the shovel to get rid of it. Suchwise, you'll avoid problems with fighting pinatas and interspecies conflicts.
First choose the species you're interested in at this moment. Then prepare your garden to meet its requirements. While waiting for that, you can spend time breeding already inhabited animals or seeding and selling plants and fruits.
As soon as new resident gets to your garden, go to the village and ask Gretchen Fetchem to hunt a mate for it. Always pick the express, because the regular service takes too much time. Meanwhile build a house for your new pinatas, seed the plants if they need any and fill other romance requirements. This way, when a couple will be ready, you can breed them right away.
Now you just need to multiply animals until you get a "master romancer" award. By the way, it's good to make all the color variants possible. When you can use some pinata to create new species, don't hesitate.
In the end, make sure that you wouldn't need representatives of this species to lure other animals or to fill their romance requirements. If not, sell all of them and their house as well. If yes, leave a proper amount of individuals. Now you can go on similarly with another species.