Awards and ranks | Misc Viva Pinata Guide
Last update: 11 May 2016
Anytime you make a progress in game, leaves seen around the sunflower-clock in the upper-right corner of the screen will be changing their color to blue. It happens when you get some of these awards:
Pinata related awards for:
- having a particular species visit your garden
- having a particular species become resident of your garden
- successfully completing the romancing minigame for a particular species
- having seven of a particular species in your garden at once
- discovering each of the three color variants for a particular species
Plants related awards for:
- having grown a particular plant
- fertilizing a plant to full bonus growth
Each time all the leaves turn their color to blue, you're gaining a new level which allows you to have another pinata species, improving your tools etc. Here is a list of benefits gained at each gardener level:
- 1 - New Gardener title.
- 2 - Seedos will visit your garden. Costalot's General Store opens in the village.
- 4 - Post Office opens in the village. Wild Raisants attracted by your garden. Sour Shellybeans attracted by your garden.
- 5 - Jardiniero gives you the Seed Shovel Head upgrade. Sour Shellybeans visit, and are able to be tamed. Gretchen Fetchem opens in the village.
- 6 - Experienced Gardener title. Iron Shovel Handle upgrade. Wild Arocknids attracted by your garden.
- 7 - Pond Shovel Head upgrade.
- 8 - Miss Petula's Paper Pets opens.
- 9 - Bart's Exchange opens. Sour Sherbats attracted by your garden.
- 10 - Arfur's Inn opens with Sprinkling available for hire. Sour Sherbats visit your garden, and are able to be tamed. "Talent" Achievement unlocked
- 11 - Skilled Gardener title. Garden Space Upgrade.
- 12 - Ivor visits the garden. Gatherling available for hire.
- 13 - Bronze Shovel Handle upgrade.
- 14 - Pinata Central begins issuing factory requests. Weedling available for hire. Sour Crowlas attracted to your garden.
- 15 - Ruffians visit your garden. Treecutter Shovel Head upgrade. Sour Crowlas visit your garden, and are able to be tamed.
- 16 - Professional Gardener title. Watchling available for hire.
- 19 - Sour Profitamoles attracted by your garden.
- 20 - Sour Profitamoles visit your garden, and are able to be tamed.
- 21 - Expert Gardener title. Maximum Garden Space Upgrade. Sweetoothes attracted by your garden.
- 23 - Silver Shovel Handle upgrade. Sour Macaraccoons attracted by your garden.
- 24 - Sour Macaraccoons visit your garden, and are able to be tamed.
- 26 - Great Gardener title. Diggerling available for hire. Dragumflies attracted by your garden.
- 27 - Sour Cocoadiles attracted by your garden. Swananas attracted by your garden.
- 28 - Gold Shovel Handle upgrade. Sour Cocoadiles visit your garden, and are able to be tamed.
- 30 - Fizzlybears attracted by your garden.
- 31 - Master Gardener title. Credits unlocked. Sour Mallowolfs attracted by your garden.
- 32 - Sour Mallowolfs visit your garden, and are able to be tamed. Parrybos attracted by your garden.
- 33 - Eaglairs attracted by your garden.
- 34 - Sour Bonboons attracted by your garden.
- 35 - Sour Bonboons visit your garden, and are able to be tamed.
- 36 - Legendary Gardener title. Professor Pester visits the garden. Elephanillas attracted by your garden.
- 38 - Roarios attracted by your garden.
- 41 - Ultimate Gardener title.
- 50 - "Master Talent" Achievement unlocked.