Episode 203: Night of the Raving Dead - part 3 | Episode 203: Night of the Raving Dead S&M: S2 Guide
Last update: 11 May 2016
Go into DJ booth and push vocal buttons (death, sepulcher, embrace, letters).
Enter passage and use UV bulb on the spotlight. Push the forth blue button in DJ Both.
Talk to Jurgen and challenge him.
Count Cryptwind Deathgrasp
Baron Bat-Anguish von Nightmare.
We'll knock you out deader than Bela Lugosi.
Our world is endless torment and sorrow.
'Cause all creation ends in death and decay.
Jurgen looses.
Exit factory and take garlic clove cigarettes from the trash. Drive to TV WARP Studios. Talk to everybody. See malt liquor during making the movie.
Replace malt liquor with garlic clove cigarettes in the bag. Ask director to make movie again. This time Max will get garlic clove cigarettes from the bag. Go back to the factory and talk to Jurgen.
Go to the Sam & Max's office. Drink water from bottle taken from factory's bar (click on Sam or Max). Take holy water from ceremonial urn into the bottle and go back to Stuttgart. Before you go in, leave cigarettes in the trash and give bottle to Max. He gets aureole above his head.
Talk to Jurgen and beat him again in rhyme competition. He will bite Max and drink his blood.
Follow Jurgen to his secret room. You are dead.