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The wholse game is based on the well known mechanics "from zero to hero". During the game, you'll train your character in a way which suits you best. One of the way is to train skills like Smithing. Thanks to the some NPCs (trainers) you can pay for getting levels in the particular skill. Those NPCs have also, usually, a shop where you can buy all necessary items for example to craft a new one.
In RuneScape you find a whole lot of skills which can be developed and on which most of available quests base on. The choice is vast and, what is the most important, you can develop all of them - your level of experience doesn't matter. But there are some skills which are limited only for the members.
List of free skills:
- Combat - Skill required for all quests and other activities. Level of your hero bases on the simple calculation from 5 combat skills (attack, strenght, defence, stamina). Attack means how often you hit the enemy and what levels of weapon you can use. The more points of attack, the more often you will hit enemies and the better weapon can be used by you. Strength stands for the damage dealt to enemies (monster or enemy player). Defence is for defining how much damage you will obtain (from monster or enemy player). Stamina defines your HP. The more you have, the more hits you can stand. Combat is extremely important in this game. Without it, you won't be able to cope with more powerful monsters. Monsters having 10 levels more than you are almost unkillable. So you have to train your combat really hard in this game.
- Cooking - Cooking is required for some quests and preparing food. Food is, of course, used for keeping your HP at maximum levell. You can eat during the fight (if you have prepared some meals earlier) to regenerate health. The more Cooking points you have, the better meals you make. And better meals regenerate more health.
- Crafting - Crafting is alos required for some particular quests. Thanks to it, you can make many different items for quests or for your equipment. The higher level of Crafting, the better items you'll make.
- Dungeoneering - Skill which let you go deeper and deeper into Daemonheim. It's a dungeon for all solo and team players.
- Fishing - This is one of skills atributed to Cooking. With fishes, you can make a meal which eaten will regenerate your health.
- Magic - Magic is a skill for using advanced Prayers, upgrading items, reading and making magic runes or using teleports.
- Mining - Skill attributed to Crafting. Thanks to it, you can make resources needed for items all by yourself. Depending on your level, you can get ores from different rocks and mines.
- Prayer - Prayer is a secondary skill, thanks to which you get for a short period of time a particular buff (depends on to what God you're praying). When this skills ends, you have to go for more energy to the closest altair. The higher level means that you'll be able to use more powerful buffs and they will last longer.
- Ranged - Archery skill. It means using a bow and a crossbow. ATTENTION - magic staff and magic attacks aren't ranged - they are all magic, what is a different skill.
- Runecrafting - Magic skill which allows you to use magic runes, thanks to which you learn new magic skills.
- Smithing - This skill let you work with ores and other resources collected with Mining. Those two skills are paired.
- Woodcutting - This skill is used for making a fire, arrows and constructions. Depending on what are you going to do, you may need wood.
List of payable skills:
- Agility - Skill required for Agility quests. Most of achievements is inscribed to one of tracks here and there. For every jump or summersault you get experience. When you get onto a high level of Agility, you can use it in terrain. In RuneScape there is a plenty of paths and shortcuts which cannot be used without high Agility, so this skill is worth to be trained.
- Construction - Building houses.
- Farming - Farming and cultivating.
- Fletching - Every archer should be interested in this skill. It let you make special (which cannot be found anywhere) or very expensive arrows. For example, the fire arrows.
- Herblore - Skill which let you make various potions. Thanks to it, you'll make potions increasing attack or healing ones.
- Hunter - Hunting down animals.
- Summoning - Summoning creatures from out of the world, which will fight for you.
- Slayer - Ability which let you kill monsters impossible to kill with other methods.
- Thieving - Pickpocketing and opening the closed chests.
Most of skills in RuneScape is available for free-to-play, but there is several of those only available for the members. You can train skills or not, whatever you like - but there are quests and achievements related to them. If you want to complete them, you'll have to train particular skills. You can mix them in random way and, for example, craft items which cannot be found any other place.
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