Earning SpeedPoints | Cop career NfS Rivals Guide
Last update: 01 February 2017
In Need for Speed Rivals you do not use real money but instead of this you spend speedpoints (SP). Playing as a Cop you purchase only next pursuit technologies. Points are achieved mainly for completing races and challenges, but you can earn them also for catching racers encountered during exploration of the Redview county, for fast drive or breaking different speed records.
In contrast to Racer's career where you have a multiplier helping you to get more points, playing as a cop you can't count on such type of facilitation. That means that cumulating tens of thousands of points usually means spending at least a dozen minutes with the game. Fortunately it is not like this that you do not have any influence on amount of points you can get - if you want to cumulate them faster, you can choose more difficult events and also catch Racers, for whose catching you can get higher reward (higher number next to the flames icon).
Another very important difference between both careers is that you can't lose accumulated speedpoints even if you completely destroy your car and respawn in the nearest mobile command post. The only thing which can be really lost in described mode is time. Still, I would suggest not forgetting about repair shops, because they not only regenerate the car to an ideal state but also replenish pursuit technologies mounted in the car.
Notice - similarly to Racer's career the game displays a very precise summary each time you return to mobile command post (shown on the above screen), even if it was cause by destroying of your car. At this time accumulated points are added to your account and you can start spending them.