What is the name of Dynasty Warriors Origins protagonist
The main character in Dynasty Warriors Origins can be called by any name, but in time you will learn his real one. However, if you do not want to wait, you will find it out in our guide.

Games have two different approaches to their protagonists. Some of them give players the option to create their hero from scratch, while others force them to take on a ready-made avatar. In Dynasty Warriors Origins, developers decided to implement the second, as the game's story tells us the fate of a martial artist with amnesia. Strangely enough, you will be able to call your hero by any name, however, later you will still learn his real one. And what is it? That's what you will find out in our guide.
Dynasty Warriors Origins – Protagonist’s name
Starting your adventure with Dynasty Warriors Origins, you will take on the role of a wanderer. This is the main character who, despite having amnesia, has not forgotten how to fight properly. After the first battle, during a conversation with Guan Yu, you will be able to give him your own name. In time, however, you will learn his real name, as will your comrades in arms.
And if you don't want to wait for that, the nameless hero is actually called Ziluan. He is a member of the Guardians of Peace, a covert organization that brings together assassins and warriors. Their mission is to maintain peace in China. Also, although you can choose a name for the main character, over time he will be known by his real name. It is also worth mentioning that he is not based on any historical character. He is an original hero invented by the game developers for the purpose of telling the story in Dynasty Warriors Origins.