Warhammer 40K: Darktide - How to Complete Shocking Stuff Easily
In this article, we will tell you how to easily unlock Penance and the Shocking Stuff achievement. With us, you won't have any problems doing it.

Some achievements in Warhammer 40,000: Darktide can be really difficult. Many players have already found this out. A lot of them require a great deal of skill, a deep understanding of the game rules and a fair amount of luck. In this guide, we will advise you on how to easily unlock the achievement and Penance Shocking Stuff.
Remember that the information provided here may become outdated over time.
If you are curious about other Darktide topics, please see our guide - Warhammer 40K: Darktide Guide.
Basic information
To unlock the Shocking Stuff achievement you must As the Preacher, kill 50 shocked enemies within 10 seconds on Malice difficulty or higher. For Penance, the situation is slightly different – you have to kill 40 opponents in 10 seconds. In both cases, you must use your grenades to shock and stun foes and then kill them. To complete this achievement 3 things will be crucial - location, weapon and team. In this article we will talk about them.
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For the Shocking Stuff achievement to be doable you need a suitable location. You need to find a place that is narrow enough, but at the same time high enough and without obstructions so that you can throw a grenade freely. For obvious reasons, bridges are very suitable for this. We can recommend the same locations that we found suitable for the Cliffhanger achievement - Vigil Station Oblivium and Chasm Logistratum.
If you don't find a suitable spot among your missions, just wait. Remember that they change regularly, so sooner or later you will find the right place.
If you want to perform Shocking Stuff then you also need a good weapon. Killing 50 or 40 opponents in 10 seconds is not easy - unless you have a flamethrower. The best weapon for this task is the Flamer. It will allow you to kill many foes in no time at all.
As with other challenging and specific achievements, an important aspect of Shocking Stuff is the team. You have to work together with them. Otherwise they will run on and not stop in the right place. There is also a good chance that they might kill grenade-stunned opponents. Therefore, you need them to understand your intentions and, if they don't want to help, at least not get in the way. It is therefore best to play with friends.