Ubisoft recycled Far Cry 4’s map in Far Cry Primal?
It seems that recycling is part of Ubisoft's every title. We noticed that Far Cry Primal has a very similar map to the one we know from Far Cry 4, and here's why.
We can’t say that for certain, but there is some evidence pointing to the fact that Ubisoft might have recycled the map from Far Cry 4 and used it in Far Cry Primal. You could argue that it’s just a coincidence, but it’s hard to say what was the idea behind that decision – especially since the Himalayas and Central Europe are thousands kilometers apart.

The easiest way to spot similarities between the two maps is to compare water reservoirs and rivers. Based on that, you can assume that the developers at Ubisoft took Kyrat from Far Cry 4, made it a little smaller and then modified it a bit, in hopes that we would not notice what was going on.
In order to show you what we mean, we’ve prepared two pictures that present maps from Far Cry 4 and Far Cry Primal. Water reservoirs and rivers have been marked with red lines. It’s easy to notice that the map from Primal has undergone small modifications – water reservoirs have been connected with streams and rivers, but others have been left untouched. Road nets are too similar as well. What’s more, areas that previously had bridges to cross the water, have now been replaced with water fords in some locations. It’s hard not to notice the general shape of the game world as well. Oh, and Takkar’s village is located in the exact same spot where Far Cry 4 had one of the villages. That’s too much of a coincidence.
Far Cry 4 map

Far Cry Primal map

Far Cry Primal had its console debut on February 23, 2016 and it was released on PC on March 1, 2016. The game is generally considered to be a good installment in the series, but yesterday’s PC release had quite a substantial number of technical problems.
Note: The story first originated on grynieznane.pl - a Polish site that we're friends with. Authors made the maps available to us and agreed to have our own stickers on them.