Trails Into Reverie - How Many Acts are in the Game; Route Order Explained

The Legend of Heroes: Trails into Reverie has finally released in the West, and fans are wondering how many acts are there in the game. Check out our spoiler free guide to find more.


Source: The Legend of Heroes Trails Into Reverie, Developer: Nihon Falcom

Fans of the Legend of Heroes series had been looking forward to an English release of Trails into Reverie for three years since the turn-based jRPG came out in Japan. The wait is finally over, as the game came out globally in July 2023. Players who are yet to start their adventure are wondering how long the story is and how many chapters does Trails into Reverie have. Find out the answer below.

Trails Into Reverie - How Many Acts are in the Game

The game is divided into five acts. However, it is not so simple. Each of the chapters in the story branches out further into three routes. The mechanic is referred to as “Trails to Walk”. It allows you to switch between parties of three main characters and follow the story from their point of view. Switching is available at various key moments in the chapters.

You have a lot of freedom about when it comes to who to play as first. Depending on your choice, the events may be slightly out of order.

Trails Into Reverie – Recommended route order

There is no official suggested sequence – since it would defeat the point of the feature. However, the fans figured out how to make the narrative smoother.

First of all, according to the fanbase, Lloyd route should always be played before Rean’s. There is also a third, mysterious protagonist, who at first will be referred to as ???. We won’t reveal his identity, but players who experienced the story in the Japanese version recommend playing ???’s route last in the 1st and 2nd act, and first in the 3rd and 4th act.

It is important to note that you can switch “Trails” more than once per chapter. Reportedly, the sequence: ???, Lloyd, Rean, then Lloyd, Rean, ??? works well for act 3.

Choosing the protagonist for the 5th chapter is up to the player.

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