Deleted Fallout 3 from Black Isle Is Being Recreated by Fans. This is „The Biggest Game” in Post-Apocalyptic Series
Version 0.6 of Fallout Yesterday: Van Buren has been released. It's a mod with the ambition to recreate on the Fallout 2 engine the campaign from the deleted Fallout 3, which Black Isle studio worked on.

The history of the industry is full of cancelled projects. One of those that hurt players the most is Van Buren, the third part of the Fallout series, developed by Black Isle studio. So it's not surprising that there are attempts to revive it. The fan group has been working on an unofficial project to finish the game for a while, but progress is slow, partly because of the complexity of the title.
The team led by PJ Hexer took a completely different approach and decided to recreate Van Buren as a mod for Fallout 2. This method is less ambitious, but also much faster. Thanks to this, the devs could already start making playable versions of the project available. The latest one, marked with number 0.6, debuted a few days ago.
The project is titled Fallout Yesterday: Van Buren and you can download it from the Nexus Mods service. In creating the mod, the creators based their designs on materials and documents from the canceled game by Black Isle Studio. The modification offers many races, hundreds of new features and perks, items, weapons, gameplay additions, dozens of new locations, seven different vehicles, and a substantial selection of companions.

The goal of the mode is to be extensive enough to provide a larger campaign than any official installment of the series. Given that the project has only reached version 0.6, many elements are still unfinished. However, it's already possible to complete the entire main storyline, provided that we play a character with high scientific abilities and a knack for repairs.
Staying on the topic of Van Buren, it's worth remembering that Tim Cain, one of the main developers of the first two installments of Fallout (primarily the first one), recently admitted that he had something to do with the cancellation of the project. He was asked by Interplay company to assess whether it would be possible to finish it in half a year. According to him, it wasn't possible, which ultimately sealed the fate of the game. You can read more about this in our article dedicated to this matter.
- Tim Cain Put His Hand to Erasing Van Buren Project, or Fallout 3 From Black Isle
- Impressions of Van Buren – what would have Fallout 3 looked like, if not for Bethesda
- Technical demo of Van Buren - download from our FTP