Terraria 1.4.5 Will Introduce a Fan-favorite Mode and Enhance Coolest Weapon
The long-awaited Terraria patch 1.4.5 will be even richer. Among other things, the developers promise a fan-favorite game mode and an interesting enhancement of one of the weapons.

Terraria, as a game with a long history, has already received many updates, but it seems that update 1.4.5 is electrifying the fans more than usual. Some of the new features were discussed in a previous article. Now the developers from Re-Logic have shared more ideas for refreshing Terraria.
Favorite modes and lightsabers
Among the novelties, the developers mention the introduction of Skyblock mode, which has so far been available only in the form of fan modifications. Skyblock is a mode that has gained considerable popularity in Minecraft - it involves trying to survive on a tiny island suspended in the air, made up of just a few blocks.
On the official game forum the head of Re-Logic, Andrew "Redigit" Spinks, shared with fans the news that the team is working on implementing this mode into Terraria, this time officially.
This isn't the only "fresh feature" that Re-Logic is working on. It turns out that a completely refreshed version of Phaseblade, a weapon modeled on the lightsaber from Star Wars, is being prepared. Update 1.4.5 will add two new features to this weapon, which will make it much more useful, and combat using it - more combinational.
The update will enable us to throw the Phaseblade and summo it on command, which will turn it into a flying death meachine. In addition, the sword will be able to penetrate terrain and deal damage to any enemy that comes at it. During this time, the player will be able to switch to another weapon.
Developer Jim "Jimmarn" Kjexrud presented a short video demonstrating the new features of the sword on Twitter :
Well, it looks like the developers have do not lack ideas, and knowing life before the actual launch of the update they will surprise the players once again. It remains to wait to see what else will be brought by patch 1.4.5. The date of its release is still unknown.