System Shock 2 Enhanced Edition Announced
Nightdive Studios announced System Shock 2: Enhanced Edition, a refreshed version of the classic from 1999.

- Developer: Nightdive Studios
- Publisher: Nightdive Studios
- Genre: Action game
- Platforms: PC
We have good news for fans of the System Shock series. Nightdive Studios, team specializing in refurbishing classics, has just announced that they are working on System Shock 2: Enhanced Edition, an improved version of the excellent 1999 production, developed by Irrational Games.
No hardware platforms have been provided yet. However, we can be sure that the production will definitely go to PC. We expect the project to resemble the System Shock: Enhanced Edition released four years ago and developed by the same studio. Compared to the original, this new edition offered higher resolution, bug fixes and alternative controls.
In the case of Shock 2 System, however, it will be more difficult to meet the expectations of the fans than in the first part, because the fan modifications created for the game across the years have introduced a lot of improvements and a simple resolution adjustment may not be enough for many fans of the franchise. Therefore, we are looking forward to hearing about the planned improvements.
It is worth mentioning that System Shock 2: Enhanced Edition is not the only upcoming project from this franchise. There are also plans to remake the first part, a project which Nightdive Studios is also working on. The OtherSide Entertainment team is working on the continuation of the series, entitled System Shock 3.