Squad's Big Update Adds Marines and Amphibious Assaults [UPDATE: Trailer]
Squad will receive a major update today, numbered 3.0. The update will introduce marines, amphibious landings, and a lot of new weapons and equipment.

The Amphibious Assault update is now available. At the same time its trailer has appeared online (below) and it looks very impressive. This is how the new Battlefield should have looked like...
Original message
- Squad will receive update 3.0 today.
- It will introduce the United States Marine Corps to the game.
- The shooter will also feature the ability to conduct amphibious landings.
Squad will receive a major update today, marked with the number 3.0. The game will be enriched with a new "faction", more vehicles, weapons and maps. There will also be previously unavailable gameplay features.
New stuff in Squad
The latest update for Squad includes a substantial list of new features and changes. The update fully deserves its proud number 3.0. Below you can find the most important elements that will hit the game today.
- Squad will gain a new faction - US Marines.
- The Marines will have eight new firearms at their disposal.
- The introduction of Marines to the game also comes with the debut of an entirely new tactic. Squad will now enable us to carry out landings using previously unavailable or customized vehicles (10 machines in total).
- The game will also include a new map created with landings in mind (Black Coast) and a training map where you will learn the basics of these attacks (Pacific Proving Grounds).
- The rest of the available maps have been adjusted to include the participation of Marines.
- Canadian Armed Forces will have two new machines (Coyote Armoured Recon Vehicle and CH-146 helicopter).
In addition, the creators of Squad removed a whole bunch of bugs and made smaller or larger changes to the balance or individual maps. The list of all the news is really long and you can find it on Steam.
It also includes the exact equipment of marines. If you are curious what kind of vehicles and guns the USMC will have, you can find a detailed list there.