Sons of the Forest Introduces New Forms of Defense Against Savages

Update 08 for Sons of the Forest introduced quite a few useful features. Among them were new options for defense against the local cannibals.

Adam Adamczyk

Source: Sons of the Forest

Sons of the Forest is developed regularly and receives updates that fix some bugs or introduce new content. Admittedly, the game still needs fine-tuning, but it is definitely more complete now than it was a few months ago, when the early access started. The latest patch, bearing the number 08 is already available and introduces quite a few useful features.

Electrocute the cannibals and make a disco

Update 08 introduced, among other things new options for defense against cannibals and other interesting features. Among the new features worth mentioning are:

  1. the ability to create electrified fences,
  2. a new trap in the form of a spiked ball suspended from a rope,
  3. the option to manufacture GPS locators using a 3D printer,
  4. the ability to take with you a radio found along the way. Now you don't have to wait for Kelvin to pick it up, who, knowing life, would have dropped it after 15 meters anyway,
  5. golf carts can now be driven. They have lights that are useful at night and the ability to take passengers in multiplayer,
  6. Virginia and Kelvin have learned to swim.

A full list of new features and changes in Sons of the Forest can be found here.

The next update to the game will be available in 27 days and 16 hours - it should hit the players on August 18.

  1. Sons of the Forest on Steam

Sons of the Forest

February 22, 2024

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Adam Adamczyk

Author: Adam Adamczyk

Has been writing professionally since 2013. In 2021, he joined, where in addition to gaming topics, he deals with strictly technological information. Worked with the largest music stores in Poland, creating articles related to instruments and generally understood sound design. Interested in computer games since childhood. On top of that, his interests include playing the guitar, composing music, and strength sports.

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